Ten years ago, a terrible outbreak began to spread all over the world. At first, people showed very unusual signs. Blood shot red eyes, yellowing of the teeth and fingers nails, and the urge to bite others. Hospitals couldn't help and the military didn't know what to do. Next thing you knew, your best friend was being eaten alive by your neighbor. There was no way to escape and almost nowhere to hide. People weren't people anymore. They became cannibalistic monsters of the undead. Once bitten, you'd become one too. Not many survivors are left and hope for the human race is slowly beginning to fade. If you were lucky, you made it to Hope Mountain. It's too cold for The Infected and they freeze before they make it all the way to the top. Lucky for us humans, we can make it there with no harm. The top is cold, not too bad. It's survivable. But we're tired of surviving. We want to live. There's been talk of a possible cure and if it's out there somewhere, we've got to find it. ((Ok, so I suck at writing the plot. But basically, zombie Apocalypse and we're fighting back to save the human race! I'm from a very different RP site that was shut down about two years ago. It was called Max-dan-wiz.com. We might've done things a little different there. The way I set this up and stuff. But I hope we can all RP together and have some fun!)) [b]Bio-[/b] Name: Daisy Morris Nickname: N/a Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Daisy is very outgoing and sometimes outspoken. But that doesn’t get in the way of her meeting new people. She’s tough, almost fearless, and ready for anything. Don’t let her tough cookie attitude fool you. When she’s scared, she has no problem with admitting it, backing out, or definitely quitting. Yep, she’s a quitter. Daisy is impatient and at times she can have quite the temper. When she’s really upset, her face turns red and she balls up her fists at her sides. She’s not the type to start fights, but she won’t back down from one either. She doesn’t like to talk about her feelings much, but when she does, she lets you have it. This little spunky fireball isn’t as tough as she seems. When you get to know her, she’s one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She loves to talk and her smile can brighten your day! She’s a bit of a goofball and if you’re watching, you can see her making funny faces at people. She loves to laugh and finds even the corniest jokes funny. She's doesn't like to cry. She hates it. Daisy will fight back tears as if her life depended on it. So if you see her crying you know something serious has happened. History: Daisy was 9 years old when the spread of the outbreak began. Her and her parents wasted no time finding a new place to live. They've all seen zombie movies and they knew the outcome of that. Just as things were coming to total crap, they left the city and began their year long journey to Hope Mountain. On the way, they'd met people, grouped up, and also lost many in the process of their journey. Eventually, they'd made it. No, Daisy doesn't have a tragic back story, but she's seen some things that would make any other person go nuts. Daisy also has asthma. It's not bad, but when she's having an episode, she rarely knows what to do. She hasn't had a serious asthma attack since she was a small child. But she keeps an inhaler with her at all times. She never tells anyone about her 'issue' as she likes to call it. She doesn't want anyone to think of her as weak. Specialty/Talents: Daisy is good with a gun and pocket knife. She has a knack for making explosives and is decent when it comes to hand to hand combat. Anything else you want to add?: Not at the moment, no. Looks: [img] http://www.naturallycurly.com/curltalk/attachments/3/2714d1230492245-jessica-szohr-gossip-girl-pic-2.jpg [/img] [center][b]YOUR BIO/CHARACTER[/b][/center] [center] Name: [/center] [center]Nick name: [/center] [center] Age: [/center] [center] Gender: [/center] [center] Personality: [/center] [center] History: [/center] [center] Skill/specialty: [/center] [center] Anything else you'd like to add: [/center] [center] Relation to my character, do you know her? y'all friends? explain so we aren't confused: [/center] [center] Picture: [/center] [b]Rules: PLEASE READ[/b] - I don't like one liners, that's why I chose this forum to post in. But listen, I'm not looking for a bunch of paragraphs. I mean, you can if you want. But I won't be posting a crap ton of paragraphs for just one reply. Take it easy, relax and have some fun. -You're not invincible. If you're fighting a zombie or some other person, make it realistic. Characters get tired, they make mistakes. Don't be invincible. [b]- IF YOU WANT TO KILL OFF A CHARACTER BUT STILL RP. MAKE TWO IF YOU WANT. KILL ONE OFF AND KEEP THE OTHER. Makes it fun [/b] - If you read the rules write 'zombie' at the end of your bio -No gettin' freaky with it. If you wana do that, do a time skip please :) - Language? Whatever. Just don't get yourself (or me) in trouble with the website. -Also, I still don't quite know how to work the site, so my picture probably won't load. Idk. Sorry if it doesn't. -Our characters don't have to know each other in the beginning. We can meet, etc, blah blah blah. -No godmodding -Let's try to have some fun, not everything has to be serious! :)