*Notice for all survivors outside the QZ* The infected have been harassed by a recent attack. Be careful and check you corners. Stalkers will be in the area. *End of Notice* Terrance first saw Roxy enter the safe house with a curious look and moments after Charlotte stepped in. He glanced down at his watch as he rested on the ruined couch. He turned his head to look at the map. He was slightly worried why only Charlotte and Roxy were in the safe house. He turned his attention to the two girls, "good to see you. Doing well I hope. Where is Goblin and Miguel? We have a large shipment today." He stood and walked over to each of the girls shaking their hands in courtesy. "We have to cross the river. We need to get supplies to the Airport," he turned to face the map, "Uh... *he points to the tunnel* we can take this route but last time the military checked it was infested by the infected. It wouldn't be to hard to be quiet around them but our bags will be noisy. Speaking of bags," Terrance turned to the box and grabbed two of the labeled bags, "Uh... Roxy... you got the supplements... and Charlotte you have... the 9mm," he set the bags at the girls feet and turned back to the map, "if we go the long way... the most we'll have to deal with are bandits and military patrols. If we keep quiet and keep moving we should be there in a couple of days... the last way is through the other tunnel... it'll probably be full of infected." Terrance took a deep breath and released after that mouthful of words. "Hey Charlotte! Roxy! How have you two been," Andy asked walking into the room. *LOUD SPEAKER* Attention, there are no more rations available for today. We have just lost another shipment from up north. Return to your homes to prevent any harm towards you and or any loved ones. *LOUD SPEAKER CRACKS AND GOES DARK* "Great..." Terrance said as he looked up towards the sound the checked his watch, "this complicates things a bit... we'll wait for a few more minutes... if Miguel or Goblin don't get here... Andy you are coming." "Yes! I've been waiting for so long! I won't let you down," Andy said more than excited. "I said if they don't show..." Terrance spoke almost fatherly to the teen.