Fading in from black to the next scene, the moon drifts through a veil of smog, serenated by the melody of the last song which Jericho softly hummed to himself before a boot splashed into the puddle which had reflected the sky. He stood for a moment on the corner of the street, watching the walk signal blink and then go to red, the reflection of his side's sign over his shoulder in the calming puddle. ~ No cars...no cars...I lean against the signal post and elbow the 'walk' button a few more times while simply watching the ping of the GPS slowly pinpointing the origin on the city map on my hud. The Rusty Screw; I couldn't say I had heard of it, although reviews were spotty at the very least. Needless to say, I had no intention of staying for a bite. Then again, the thought of the concept of the saying was...hrm...sobering, I guess. It would be funnier if the punch line wasn't so permanent. Still the name was a bit familiar, although I had been to a few 'Swill Stands', a few recently just to sit around. Well, recently being some few months ago...and only one, I learned my lesson quick. The lights going the other direction switch to red as to herald all the nothing that they conducted during any other time of the day. Not many people choose to be out this late, for laughably obvious reasons. I mean, I didn't [i]want[/i] to...okay, yeah, if they were going to look at me like I would hurt them, I may as well. Talking never seemed to help and- oh! Walk. ~ The calm of the image was broken again as Jericho started across the street, the pressed-steel sole of his boot kicking up a small spark as he dragged it from the puddle. ----- His stride slowed to cautious deliberate steps as he noticed the door broken from the hinge of the location the signal came from. Perhaps he should have picked up the pace; if he had been aware of the direness of the situation- Well, again, 'what-ifs' seemed to have come and passed, and there still seemed to be some kind of commotion coming from inside. Approaching the doorway from the side, the singing had died off and a little chatter hinted to the door not being a big deal. With a hand on the frame, Jericho took a step into the bar and was already rocking back on his heel with the consideration of leaving after noticing the patrons. Rather, one of them, and frankly, given the events of the last few months, it was hard to remember his initial aversion to the good doctor, Thomas Light. Jericho hung there for a minute in silence before his gaze broke and he looked out across the others, his eyes seemingly piercing them each with the second of glance he gave them with his fixed expression, resting on Ness for a second longer than the others. Without a word, he hoisted the door from the floor and set it back into place, holding it in the frame while inspecting the damages, perceivable as an excuse not to look at the others as he had his fair share of human contact for a lifetime. "Light..." He sighed, the steam gently curling from the calm in his voice, despite the scene. "...I wouldn't suppose you happened to send-" he begins, bending the hinges back into place, his fingers pinching down on the nails in the frame and dragging them out as not to damage the wood before resetting the door in place...weakly, but it would have a good few slams left in it, even then it was just the nails, and it was clear there was a debt to be had regarding its initial damage. "-A distress signal, tonight?" he inquired, giving the door a few easy openings and closings to test the hinges which squeaked. Jericho's fingers traced the strong-bar braces which were hopelessly bent, not to mention the bar which laid in two. Rolling his eyes, Jericho turned around and leaned against the door to hold it closed, figuring he would serve as a better doorstop than anything and everything in the room combined. ...mostly because a pile of chairs can't throw a punch. ~ This thought made me smile to myself, in spite of my face. I didn't want to talk myself up, but tables and chairs don't [i]try[/i] to keep danger out of a room. [i]People[/i] do. ~