The young woman couldn’t help but stagger back in surprise as the bodies raised one by one, revealing that everyone was in fact alive. Even a skeletal being rose to the occasion, approaching a young child that Veronika had not noticed in her sickly stupor. It was a mystery how something that breathed death could so easily walk as if everything was normal, although this was coming from an undead. But these people couldn’t be in the process of hollowing… could they? With everyone so preoccupied with swords and silver tongues, it was interesting that the scroll on the ground went unnoticed. Hoping to bring some clarity, Veronika cleared her throat loudly and began to read. [b]"Thou who are reading this heed my words carefully. Maketh voyage to the Domain of Elyae, where our King sought to save his world by meddling with the workings of forces beyond his control. Once you have stepped your feet upon the glorious city, heed hastily to the Tower of Linette, and at the top of the momentum, your souls will find rest once again. Bewary of the Empty Ones that wander Elyae, forever damned to trudge through the streets of their accursed city in a violent, destructive state of limbo. I cannot give you any more information, but I can say that I wish you the best of fortunes. I pray that She will bless your souls, Lost Ones. Only you can change the fabrics of fate now."[/b] Elyae, never had such a name graced the ears of this battle weary individual, but the prospect of putting the soul to rest was just enough to put hope in the heart. “I’m not exactly sure why we’re here, but I highly doubt that fighting one another will help. What I can say, is that all the signs are pointing to that place being Elyae. That place off in the distance that smells of death…”