Maas glared at the Saarebas. Was he supposed to be impressed? Intimidated? It was basic history to know that every Blight was accompanied by what the Wardens called an Archdemon. From the Commander's description, an Archdemon was supposedly a powerful dragon infected by the Darkspawn and given power over all of them. The beast held no terror for the warrior, only promises of honor and glory for his slaying the dark beast. Maas was unsure if anyone saw him clench his fist as the Saarebas walked off. After a moment, he deigned to follow her. A filthy Saarebas should not have any reason to feel superior to anyone, and Maas would make sure this one was no different, lest her misplaced pride invite the demons that so easily came to magic wielders. He appeared behind her just as the lightning from her fingertips blasted a wolf that had foolishly come too close. Several more scattered as their leader fell. Maas heard Isala chuckle, and that was all he needed. "This is why your kind should be chained up and collared by a [i]true[/i] Arvaraad," Maas said, not attempting to hide his anger at her. "When left to your own devices, you invite only trouble and misfortune to all those around you. And before you answer," he added, interrupting whatever she was about to say, "know that you neither intimidate nor impress me. To kill a wolf is a child's effort. If this is all you are good for, perhaps it would have been better had you joined the dead elf."