[hider=Arsenal]Name: Roy Harper, Jr. Alias: Arsenal Role: Titan Brief Bio: Born in early 1996, Roy Harper, Jr. was the son of Roy Harper, Sr. who operated between 1973 and 1994 among the Justice Society of America – a group of vigilantes who were inspired by Captain America – as “Red Arrow”. When he was a child, the young Roy was thrown in dramatic tragedy when he witnessed his father’s death from a then unknown assassin in front of his eyes in 2004. The vigilante hero, Green Arrow, came onto the scene and apprehended the assassin but ultimately it was too late. Driven by guilt, Green Arrow would then take Roy Harper, Jr. into his home under the guise of the Moira Queen Foundation for Troubled Youths – and initially attempted to outreach to the child until he discovered Oliver Queen was the hero that failed to save his father. In a fit of angst, Roy accused Oliver and threatened to expose him if he didn’t teach him in the ways of the arrow. Surprisingly enough this would begin an awkward but interesting partnership as “Speedy” debuted as Green Arrow’s sidekick not long after. Working with a member of the Justice League put more drive into Roy as he began with interest to investigate what specific assassin murdered his father after Oliver gave him little-to-no answers out of fear that Roy was still dangerously obsessed with not enacting justice but rather revenge. Using developmental street smarts and connections, Roy then went to meet the boy wonder—Robin (Richard Grayson)—for the first time during their career. Despite his initial desire to use Robin’s detective skills to help himself he soon found a kinship with him. Eventually, Roy found himself being criticized by Robin but not in a way that Roy could combat: Robin challenged his ideals with simple logic and Roy’s rampant taste for vengeance made him reconsider much of himself. He had already done right by his father with what he had achieved so why was he still so desperately clinging onto killing his assassin? At the age of sixteen he decided to devote himself to becoming better and he disappeared until Robin (now Nightwing) resurfaced and called on for his help in 2015. Thus the well-traveled Roy Harper, now calling himself Arsenal had reappeared. Abilities: Roy is an expert marksman and this plays out through archery, firearms, knives, and other ranged weapons of which he has fired with incredible pinpoint accuracy. In addition to this he has capable martial arts in terms of being trained by several individuals of various backgrounds. Combining this with a degree of innate capability, street smarts, and skillful deductive skills due to his time on the road and his days cooperating with the original Robin… this all makes Roy a very dangerous enemy to have. Personality: “We’re not just friends, we’re brothers. If you ever need my help all you have to do is let me know.” – Roy Harper to Richard Grayson. Roy Harper, Jr. is a complicated individual wrecked with survivor’s guilt, a deeply embodied rage, and a deep kinship to those he truly considers his friends. Roy Harper still doesn’t really know who he is or who he is supposed to be which explains his wayward travelling between age sixteen and nineteen of which he claims to have been everywhere—Latveria, Qurac, Khandaq, Kaznia, and Bialya. Roy also has an interesting duality of his inner demons and a face of sarcasm as well as blunt assertion—he has trouble with respecting his peers unless he feels they have deserved it and still has a hard time dividing “justice” and “revenge”. Appearance: [url= http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/BgWmUUJRINI/0.jpg]Click[/url] Affliation: Oliver Queen / Green Arrow (former mentor) Richard Grayson / Nightwing (best friend) Cissie King-Jones (half-sister) Teen Titans (2015- ) Other: Roy will be turning twenty fairly soon. [i] Arrow Family Timeline:[/i] 1996: Roy Harper, Jr. is born to former JSA member "Red Arrow". 1997-2002: On a boating trip Oliver Queen is stranded, his father dies. Oliver spends five years surviving before finding a way home. 2002: Green Arrow debuts. 2003: Suzanne-King Jones is born to former JSA member, Miss Arrowette (Bonnie King). 2004: Roy Harper, Sr. (Red Arrow) is assassinated by Black Spider; his son is adopted and facilitated by the Moira Queen Foundation for Troubled Youths. 2004: Bernell King dies in a 'car accident' after he begins investigating crime lords in Star City. 2005: Roy Harper, Jr. debuts as "Speedy", Green Arrow's sidekick. 2008: Black Canary becomes Green Arrow's on/off-again partner. 2010: First Speedy/Robin team-up* (Roy/Dick) 2012: Roy Harper confronts Black Spider and has an emotional crisis. 2012: Roy Harper retires the "Speedy" name and travels the world for a time. 2015: Roy Harper resurfaces as "Arsenal" and co-founds "The Titans" with former Robin, Dick Grayson. 2016: Mia Dearden begins murdering prostitution rackets. 2016: Roy Harper returns to Star City for the first time in four years. 2016: Bonnie King is assassinated. [/hider] [hider=Blossom]Name: Blossom Utonium Alias: n/a Role: Titan Brief Bio: During the end of the twentieth century scientists everywhere were rushing around the clock to re-create the infamous super soldier serum as the fear of the x-gene getting out of hand skyrocketed fear and nervousness of humankind. One scientist named Kenneth Utonium idealized the creation of the development of a genetic mutagen to not oppress mutants all over the world, but to put humanity on their level and as such was his life’s goal. This was of course until his wife became ill just as he could begin to taste the realization of his life’s dream – the details from there are hazy despite one thing being absolute: Mrs. Utonium birthed three daughters in the year of 2000; Kenneth had accidently or purposely exposed to his experimental mutagen—“X”. Five years later the effects would become apparent as powers manifested as well as accelerated intelligence (although such intelligence seemed to favor one of the children more). Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born. From 2006 to 2011, three adolescent girls with powers the Townsville Courier claimed were comparable to “the Superman”. They went up against foes from evil geniuses, mutated townsfolk, to demonic shadows. However something terrible would eventually befall the girls in 2011 when their dear Professor and Father—died. With their uncle (and only family connection) perishing in a car accident in Star City in 2008 this left the girls divided and thrown into a vicious cycle—the foster care system. Before the ultimate incident Buttercup suggested they use their powers and live on the streets—but Blossom’s belief in the “system” derided that choice easily and the three girls found themselves bouncing from home to home. Blossom fell into a rut and stopped using her powers for a time and heard no mention of any girls in blue or green in the news—she fell into her studies and by the age of fourteen found herself going through several degrees at Empire University in New York City – of which is where she met Dexter McPherson, a studying “boy genius” who was being heralded as the next Tony Stark or Reed Richards of his generation. In 2015, when the adults of the world disappeared Blossom got past her guilt to help people in a time of crisis that lasted several days—she worked with other heroes as well as Dexter to maintain this including: Betty Barrett (a teenager with cosmic protection responsibilities) Jenny Wakeman (a robot in the guise of a human), Danny Fenton (a teenager with astral abilities), Jake Long (a shapechanging teenager), and Juniper Lee (a teenager with connections with the realm of mystics). This team formed together named themselves “Infinity Incorporated” after the event inspired by heroes of old like Captain America and the Justice Society of America. Soon after, Blossom promised to herself to find her sister’s somehow and someway. Abilities: As the product of Utonium’s “X” formula and human DNA, Blossom yields powers that are comparable in scope to superhuman contemporaries of which include super strength, flight, durability, ice breath, microscopic vision, and a small healing factor. But with this Blossom also has a 10th to 11th level genius intellect and has had such since she was six years old. Personality: “No, we have to do it this way. It won’t work any other way!”—Blossom to the PPG. Blossom is generally logical, tactical, and quick to a problem much like her idols (Reed Richards, Curt Connors, etc.) but shares a lot of inner turmoil due to the deaths in her family, her separation from her sisters, and her divisive attitude towards her sister. In addition to that there is an apparent kindness and sense of duty to law & order as well as a sometimes overbearing “leader” complex which has gotten her sister’s to call her bossy and obsessive in the past. Appearance: [url=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/Mike1204/blossom_zpsf4b4792f.png]Click[/url] Affliation: Buttercup Utonium (sister) Bubbles Utonium (sister) Dexter McPherson (ally) Jenny Wakeman / X-J9 (ally) Danny Fenton / The Phantom (ally) Jacob Long / American Dragon (ally) Juniper Lee / Te Xuan Ze (ally) Betty Barrett (ally) Powerpuff Girls (2006-2011) Infinity Inc. (2015- ) Other: INFINITY INC: Blossom Utonium Dexter McPherson Jenny Wakeman / X-J9 Danny Fenton / The Phantom Jacob Long / American Dragon Juniper Lee / Te Xuan Ze Betty Barrett [/hider]