Riding on horse back, there were two brunette females, the one in the front was in her late 20's in the front, and behind was a teenager. A male who was on a white horse and wore a dark blue cape rode right next to the two. They rode towards the castle gates of an academy and soon stopped once they were in front. Getting off their horses, they all stared at the tall gates, admiring the sight. A few moments later, they knew that they had to get going since all of the students had to get a move on inside. "I guess... this is goodbye for now," the young brunette female had said, hugging the older brunette, a frown on her face. "Oh, I'm going to miss my little Bumblebee," the older woman had responded, her voice sounding sad as she hugged her daughter. A groan coming from the little 'Bumblebee', she then replied, "It's going to be fine, Mother. I'll see you once we have the time for visits. That is if we get the time to..." "Belle, stop treating Beatrice like a little girl. She's 16, she can take care of herself," her father, Adam had interrupted the woman who was practically sobbing over her daughter's shoulders. "Besides, I hope she remembered what I told her before we came here." "Stay away from boys," Beatrice recited the words her father had told her. "That's my Daughter I know and love." "Haha, very funny Father." Hearing a chuckle coming from him, she looked at every other student and their families who had arrived before her and her Mother and Father.