[Center][b]Vale Kaiser[/b][/center] [Center][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/176/f/5/jason_todd___red_hood_by_13nin-d594h4p.png[/img][/center] [Center].:. Male || 25 || 6 foot 2 || Weight 85kg[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Vale 'Rotgeist' Kaiser [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] A race from another realm called the Lliandrii. [b]Orientation:[/b] Asexual [b]Personality:[/b] Serious with a violent temperament. His race are known for being straight speakers who do not lie and who do not joke. As a result, humour and sarcasm is often lost on Vale. Also, being of Lliandrii royalty, he feels himself superior to most others, and has the sense of self confidence to pull it off, as well as the physical prowess. But underneath the arrogant, serious and violent demeanor, there is a creature who just wants to prove that he can do it himself. To prove that he is capable. To prove that people can rely on him, and not the other way around. [b]History:[/b] Since he was Lliandrii royalty, he was taught from an early age the ability to fight (As strength and power is key in the Lliandrii hierarchy.) However, his over protective parent figure (a rare trait among Lliandriians), called 'mother' in reference to the term the humans used, feared for him and limited what he could do without others being around to help him. While he loved his 'mother,' he hated being reliant on others, and unable to prove himself. As he came of age, his coming-of-age test came upon him go out into (insert inhabitable desert waste here when map is up) to find the inscriptionist who lives out there, and get two inscriptions. (2 is considered the number of power in Lliandriiian minds) despite the protests of his 'mother.' Jumping at the chance he went to leave as she handed him what was called a pistol, five shots in the barrel. She told him to use it for his safety. He took it begrudgingly. Out in the desert, he found the inscriptionist without too much hassle. The inscriptionist told him that it required a sacrifice to give him what he needed. It wanted a Lliandriian of its own. Nodding, Vale went to bring it some degenerate. As he turned to leave, he didn't see the inscriptionist smile as he said 'the next Lliandriian to walk into here counts as your payment.' Unbeknownst to Vale, his 'mother' had ventured after him. As she crested over a sand dune, she just missed seeing him walk over another one. Gingerly she slipped into the shop of the inscriptionist. Vale heard a voice in his mind say 'your payment is complete.' Running back over the dune, he went back to the shop to see dead bodyguards by the door, and his mother in the arms of the inscriptionist. It smiled at him and told him to hold out his hands. Not wanting anything to happen to his 'mother,' he did so, and with a blinding pain, two marks were seared into his flesh as he fell to the floor, 'Powers worthy of a prince, who does not 'think' but 'acts'' When he came to he was lying in the desert, inscriptionist and 'mother' gone. In a rage, he spent ages in the desert looking for them, to no avail. To this day, he just wanders, hoping to find some hint or trace of them. [b]Runes:[/b] ~Left hand || http://cdnm.tutorialchip.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Cool-Hand-Tribal-Tattoos-520x390.jpg || Allows his left fist to absorb impacts ~Right hand || http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bQ0SqifjNcg/TH6mQPfI4lI/AAAAAAAAcBo/hAZDRjNl9Hk/s1600/hand-tribal-tattoo-4.jpg || Allows his right fist to hit with 4x the normal force. (Since the Lliandrii are naturally very strong, his right punch hits like a truck) [b]Items:[/b] ~A supply of vegetables of various types. Llandriians do not require water to survive, all the need is food. ~The trench coat he wears on his back. Technically a hindrance for fighting, but Vale thinks it looks good. ~A pistol with three shots in it. Hates the thing, but holds onto it for sentimental reasons. [b]Transportation:[/b] Nada [b]Skills:[/b] ~Advanced hand-to-hand combat ~Swift ways to kill humans ~Swift and agile body, as per Lliandrii build [b]Strengths:[/b] +Physical strength +Hand-to-hand combat +Quick reflexes [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Iron (Lliandrii bodies cannot handle iron for prolonged amounts of time) -Butterflies (Has a fear of the cute little fliers) [b]Likes:[/b] +Winning +Strength +Vegetables (Lliandrii diet consists entirely of vegetation) [b]Dislikes:[/b] -Losing -Intelligence -Meat