Still working on it, but I finally had an idea for his blade, so I wrote that much down. Anything that seems to not make sense or repeat itself is probably the lack of sleep writing. I'll go through and clean it up and finish the other sections tomorrow. Very WIP [b]Name: [/b] Masaru Keta [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and thin, barely anything to him but skin and bone held together by scar tissue, Masaru looks like he should be dead ten times over either from age or battle wounds. He looks as old as he is, almost a thousand years now, with no hair left on his head and a half dozen creases in his brow. Every inch of his body is covered in scars, a testament to the many battles of his long life. The most prominent scar runs from the top of his head all the way down to his left thigh, with two small breaks in the old cut where he raised his arms to protect his eyes and heart. There is also a dark burn covering much of his right shoulder, telling another story of another battle. The only part of Masaru that doesn't look like it should have fossilized or turned to dust long ago is his eyes. The old man's eyes are those of a younger man, and they are gentle and kind, quite unlike the rest of the man they are set into. Masaru's mouth is always a few seconds behind his eyes to smile, something he does often. Masaru dresses in a light, thin blue robe that just drapes over his frame. His chest and the scars on it is visible most of the time because he rarely closes the top of the robe, to let his body breathe he says. His Zanpakuto is stuck inside his robe beneath the sash across his waist, and he frequently acts like he's forgotten where he's put it. [url=]His mask is the eternally laughing Comedy mask.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Masaru may look like the grim reaper just got run over by a bus, but he's actually a really nice guy. He loves to smile and laugh, and there are times when he acts more like a boy then an ancient battle-hardened warrior. Because his face is naturally quite unsettling to see, the sight of it suddenly breaking into a grin and smiling at you can be a shock. Masaru values trust and friendship above all else, to the point where he will allow himself to be led on even if he knows that he is being lied to. He treats everyone he meets as a new friend until given a reason not to, even those he knows are his enemies. Lying is the one thing he refuses to do, even when he wants to, and he'd rather not say anything at all than lie to another person, even an enemy. This translates over to his promises, which he takes very seriously. He'll never give up on something he's promised to do, no matter how impossible it may seem. Masaru doesn't like killing and causing others pain, and he tries to avoid direct confrontation if at all possible. His Zanpakuto's ability allows him to remove a great number of enemies from battle without killing or harming a single one, reflective of his pacifist(ish) nature. [b]History:[/b] --- [b]Zanpakuto:[/b] [i]Keshigomu[/i] (lit. Eraser) is the name of Masaru’s blade. The blade is quite short, just three feet long, and perfectly straight. The hilt meets the sheath seamlessly, and no one but Masaru can draw the blade because the blade merges with the sheath, sealing the blade inside. When undrawn, Keshigomu looks like a short staff instead of a sword. The blade itself is featureless; it has no guard or pommel, and the transition from blade to hilt is gradual and smooth.[hider=reference image][img=][/hider] --- [b]Shikai: [/b] [i]Ubau, Keshigomu[/i] (lit. Take Away, Keshigomu) Masaru sheaths Keshigomu and holds it out in front of himself, pointed away from his body. Then he calls his Zanpakuto’s name and slams his palm into the hilt end of the closed blade. The other end shoots out into a deadly point. In this form, Keshigomu takes the shape of a long white spike, flat on one end and narrowed to a needle-sharp point on the other. On Masaru’s left arm a white disk appears, like a shield. Keshigomu’s power is to erase what it touches from existence, trapping it in the white void of a pocket dimension. Anything Keshigomu’s tip touches disappears in an area of half a foot in every direction from the point of contact. The deeper the spike pierces, the larger the area it disappears. Objects and living things will continue to act as if the erased parts were still there, even if the disappeared part was providing support or vital for survival. It's as if the part was still there and simply can't be seen or touched. In addition, the face of the white disk sends what it touches into the white space, making it useful for blocking many types of attacks and even for offense, though the main spike is more useful for direct offensive use. Other Zanpakuto are completely immune to erasure, only appearing in the white space if their owner is completely erased and trapped in the white space. Keshigomu’s second power activates when he touches the surface of the disk with his palm. Masaru's entire body vanishes as if he had erased himself, but what has really happened is that he's gone into the space where everything Keshigomu has erased is trapped and stored. Keshigomu doesn’t actually harm or destroy what it pierces; it merely transports it to a different dimension. By default everything erased is kept separate from every other thing, with the exception of parts of the same object, but Masaru can merge and separate these different dimensions at will when he’s inside the white space. By tapping the surface of the white disk with the end of the spike, he can bring forth anything he has stored inside the white space. Needless to say, he’s never had to worry about having enough storage space. --- [b]Bankai: [/b] [i]Sekai no Keshigomu[/i] (lit. World Eraser) Masaru draws a circle in the air with Keshigomu’s tip and then stabs the center of the circle with it. The space inside the circle shatters, and the vision of anyone in range blurs for a moment, regardless of whether or not they were looking in the direction of the circle. The area of effect is encased in a sphere of white space, and Keshigomu itself changes into an inverted whirlpool pulling from the inner surface of the sphere. The edge of the sphere is an impenetrable wall for anyone other than Masaru, who can pass in and out of the white space at will, going into the wall in one location and emerging at another. The edge is much like a larger version of the shield from Keshigomu’s shikai state but much, much larger. Inside the sphere, he can summon forth anything he has stored away to use against the enemy, though Keshigomu itself is usually more than enough. Masaru can throw Keshigomu inside the sphere, and when it touches the edge it flies into it and flies out somewhere else inside the sphere, all the while pulling a whirlpool of white space behind it. Masaru uses his bankai to remove large numbers of enemies from a fight quickly, as it is very difficult to avoid being erased inside the Sekai no Keshigomu. Other Skills: