Name: Dominick "Dom" Navarra Age: 18 Grade: 11 Magic: Shapeshifting Rank: D (I'd make it lower if I could, lol) Weapon: Dashing good looks and a debonair smile (in other words... none) Character class: Shadow (Rogue) Personality: Dom is a pretty laid back, easy going guy which gets him in more trouble than he usually bargains for. More than a bit of a slacker, he doesn't put much value on his education... or anything, for that matter. Despite that, he tries to be a good person in the other areas of his life and is always available to lend a hand, an ear, or some (perhaps unintentionally bad) advice. He tends to avoid people thanks to his "gifts", but won't deny you his company should you come looking for it. His first language is sarcasm, and he has a soft spot for pretty girls and taquitos (but especially taquitos). Appearance: Dom is on the better side of average looking, with olive skin, an oval shaped face, a long, thin nose, and eyes that resemble the color of lime rinds. His eyelids and the area underneath his eyes are tinged a blueish grey, giving him the appearance of not having slept in a while. His mouth is long and thin, and opens unnaturally wide to reveal blinding white teeth that are pointed ever so slightly. His dark chocolate hair is short on the sides and long on the top, and when he bothers to style it (which isn't very often) he gels it into messy spikes. When he doesn't bother, well... it's just messy. He carries himself at 5'8" (173 cm), with a medium build and a physique somewhere between average and athletic.