[Center][b]Victor Harkold[/b][/center] [Center][img=http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608054450253201811&w=119&h=148&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7][/center] [Center].:. Male || 26 || 184 cm || 82 kg .:.[/center] [hider=Rest of CS] [b]Name:[/b] Victor Harkold, often referred to as "that guy" [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Personality:[/b] Victor is a proud individual with little to no respect for others. He is not "cool" or "bad***" by any standards, but has a strong distaste for other people. He is terse and condescending, yet must be respected as the brilliant academic that he is. He tends to think carefully about each of his decisions before making them and is willing to shoot someone for no other reason than attempting to act before he was finished thinking. Victor does not work well in groups and is antisocial. He is unsympathetic with no bedside manner and sees admitting to pain as a sign of weakness. As such, he will ignore injured comrades and neglect his own injuries. [b]History:[/b] Victor was born in the south-eastern town of Treya, born to rich parents who paid for him to be educated in an ecodome. Showing proficiency in the general maintenance course, he was given the honour of studying under one of the top scientists, where he learned physics and chemistry. This knowledge became essential to his life when one day, part of the ecodome was stolen by bandits. Victor was able to modify the existing system into a much more efficient system, both obviating the need for the part and saving the lives of many. He was promoted as head engineer in the ecodome and was celebrated amongst his colleagues (it had been decided not to reveal the incident to the nearby town due to the unnecessary panic it would cause). His glory was short-lived, however, and he was fired when it was found that he had stolen the part for the construction of a hoverbike for himself. Without his job, he fled to the desert of Mih where he has begun to experiment with alchemy and with refining some of Earth's last natural resources - in an attempt to launch Earth's technology once again. His results have been mildly successful with his recent discovery of the creation of metals using magic (que inscriptionist) and the creation of explosive powder from radioactive dirt. [b]Runes:[/b] Just below his right eye || It is a small triangle with edges touching the borders of an octagon || The rune provides him with nightvision in his right eye. It was inscribed by a lone inscriptionist he found in the desert of Mih. [b]Items:[/b] A large, metal, bolt-action sniper rifle. 3x5 round clips of homemade ammunition (very low grade and damage, with poor accuracy and irregular flight paths; the creation of such is also dependant on magic - an ability he does not possess), a camouflaged coat, one week's rations, water trapping equipment, 1 small pistol with 1x8 round clip of real ammunition (stolen from the guards at the ecodome). [b]Transportation:[/b] Has a hoverbike, but lacks the fuel to effectively use it. Is trying to derive a liquid version of his gunpowder. [b]Skills:[/b] Vast knowledge of chemistry, physics and engineering. Has a great ability to engineer things no-one would think of. Victor also has a good academic knowledge of magic (but lacks the runes to use said magic). Has experience with firearms [b]Strengths:[/b] +High pain tolerance +Able to make ammunition +Can engineer a solution Add more if necessary [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -In planning, often misses vital information -Can be indecisive if not given time to think -Antisocial -His tolerance to pain means that he will ignore his injuries, even when they need medical attention [b]Likes:[/b] +Himself +Social status +Learning +Being right [b]Dislikes:[/b] -People -Being disagreed with -Humility [/hider]