[center][img=http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/xX2shygirlXx/madcap_zps5e490303.jpg][/center] Everyone. Everyone had left to go fight the bad guy. They had left not as a team, but as individuals. And Ricki just stood there and watched them leave. Instead of following her teammates the girl turned her attention to the monitors to watch the fight. One villain. Her 'team' had all ran off to fight one guy. [i]Well, maybe he's some freaky bad-ass Justice League arch nemesis?[/i] By the time Ricki finished her thought the battle was all but over. [i]Or not.[/i] Batman and the Engineer would arrive just before the team got back to headquarters. Ricki wasn't too sure what the Engineer was all about, but she had heard of the Batman... and she found him intriguing. The Dark Knight was way scarier and cooler than the Flash. Even as he read the team the riot act Ricki stood there mesmerized by the sheer presence of the man. Those glaring eyes, that intimidating stance, that dark grizzly voice, they all made the teenage girl quiver with equal parts fright and excitement. The fact that Patriot had taken the blame for the fiasco or that Cyber Knight had literally melted Plastic Man who was little more a large puddle of sludge when he after the fight (though he seemed to be recovering fairly quickly) could not distract Ricki's thoughts or gaze from Batman. It wasn't until Superman arrived and pulled the Engineer and Batman aside that she snapped out of it. Once the Leaguers were done talking to the team, Ricki left for her room, but not before hearing the talk of ordering pizza. The smell of food would no doubt draw her out of her quarters later. For now though she did not feel like joining the others. After all they had left her behind without a thought just minutes ago. In her room Ricki returned to her bed as she grabbed her box of crayons. The fifteen year old did not bother to remove her costume. No. The wall. She had to get the jumbled thoughts out of her head and on to the wall. The walls of her bedroom back in Keystone City were covered in her thoughts and ramblings. And, after a week of being here in Star City she was well on her way filling these new walls. Ricki pulled a crayon from her box, red-violet, and began to write not far from the place in which she had been writing before the alarm went off. Writing on the walls cleared the girl's mind of all the bad things, all the naughty or crazy thoughts that would eventually lead her to getting into some kind of trouble. Sometimes what Ricki wrote made sense. Sometimes her words were beautiful and poetic. And sometimes, like now, only Ricki knew the meaning behind [url=http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/xX2shygirlXx/devil_zps7b678a84.png]the words[/url] she wrote.