The jostling of the Larty caused Wolf to grimace in pain as the wound in his side grew agitated. He moved his free hand to check the wound once more. While the shot had barely penetrated his armour, it certainly stung like hell. Judging it to be more superficial than anything, Wolf simply covered the wound back up and determined that he would seek out medical aid once the fighting was done. When the ship landed to restock, Wolf made sure to fill up the ammo he had spent. He was surprised at how quickly his supply had dropped. The fight to retrieve the Jedi had been a short one, but it had taken a heavy cost. Wolf looked up from reloading his DC-15A to see a fresh supply of his clone brethren coming in to replenish those they had lost in the battle. That was the first moment when he really realized the sheer amount of loss they had suffered. Men that he had grown up with, considered as brothers, all lost... and altogether too quickly. Wolf may have preferred spending his time alone, but that didn't take away from the sadness and anger he felt in that moment. As the Larty took to the skies once again, Wolf took his place near the doors. He heard sergeant Falcon shout out their new orders and felt a surge of emotion. He would avenge his fallen brothers and he was gonna take down every damned Clanker that got in his way. Racking the last clip of fresh ammo into his DC-15A, Wolf turned to look out the visor slits. He was ready for a fight.