"What he said, I've been helping," Tony folded his arms and gave Thor a 'you idiot' look. This was quite good, in a way. Tony wasn't going to ask how Thor had found Loki. Maybe through SHIELD or something. Thor would have been searching for Loki, and he probably would have checked earth... Or Midgard as they seemed to call it. It was good, probably, because now Loki had his brother and Tony wouldn't be needed much. It wasn't that Tony didn't like looking after Loki just that he wasn't very good at it at all and Loki obviously needed his brother, not him. So Tony would just take his leave and head down and work on something. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to drink anything else. Much more and he would end up with a hangover the next morning. Not really what he wanted. "I'll just leave you two." With that he practically shot out of the door. He did not want to be there when the brothers reconnected, or if fireworks flew as the case may be. Heaving a sigh to himself he returned to his lab. Continue making the next Iron Man suit. that was what he would do, and he would enjoy doing it. "You disappeared. I was worried and looking for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere. But now I have found you, and I will look after you." He wasn't at all taken aback by the fact that Loki was talking to him in a sharp manner. It was just normal for his brother and after the past few years Thor was used to it. He was just glad to his brother was alive and well, partly thanks to Tony. He would have to make sure to thank him for looking after his little brother. "Sh, Loki, it's okay," Thor practically dropped his hammer and knelt beside Loki's bed. He moved to put on hand on Loki's shoulder comfortingly but hesitated, remembering that the last time they had spoken they had fought. He didn't want to push Loki too much. "Don't worry," he murmured. He wished it was like it had been when they were younger, when Thor could just hug Loki and silently comfort him that way until he felt better. Or that... Their mother was still there to make them both feel better when both were upset. Thor missed their childhood. "What is wrong, brother?" He was not only talking about the illness. He was talking about everything. An open ended question so Loki could talk to him if he wanted. Tony fiddled with the arm part, grinning. That was that done. One piece, quite a few more to go. He had put aside the suit that could travel into space for the moment to have another bash at one that would come to him mentally. He would make all the pieces first, making sure each was able to move or fly on its own so that it would come to him. He just worked away, trying not to think about the two brothers who were currently in the tower. He did have JARVIS watching, in a way, so that he could notify him if Loki took an extreme turn for the worse or if the two of them began fighting. He would just have to see whether he was needed again.