Stephanie drew her pistol, and quickly glanced towards Barthelus. "Sorry," she said, "I don't trust you with my life, and that thing is a deathtrap." Stephanie then sprinted to cover a little closer to the counter-terrorists. 'This is just like VGHS!' she thought, the adrenaline flowing through her, as she peeked out of cover to do an enemy-check. there was an easy kill right there. She fired three bullets at him. Two hit. The C-T falls to the ground dead. Stephanie hasn't even flinched after having shot and killed a living creature. Now, she had the squad's attention, and a few of them started firing on her position. She waited behind her cover until the firing subsided and they stopped to reload. She had to be quick and precise about this. She had to think back to her teachings... [i]"I've taught you everything I can! Now get out of my home, you crazy bitch!"[/i] Okay...maybe she shouldn't think back to her teachings. She rose from cover, aimed her pistol so that her sights were perfectly lined up with her target, allowing for gravity and distance. Took a breath, steadied herself, and pulled the trigger. She watched. She smiled. Her mark had hit with a satisfying squishy thud, and the second man fell to the ground. "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" She yelled out with glee. The Counter-Terrorists were not pleased. [b]"Fuckin hax!"[/b]