[Center][b]Aaron O’Nidas || A1 || Android One.[/b][/center] [Center][img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/ScreenShot2014-04-29at153104_zpsf4952da6.png][/center] [Center].:. Representative Male || Genderless || 130 - 160 Years || 6”0’ || 600lbs .:.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Known as Aaron O’Nidas from birth. Designated A1, or Android One by some. [b]Gender:[/b] Technically genderless, but identifies as Male. [b]Age:[/b] 130 as Android. 160 Overall. [b]Race:[/b] Android. [b]Orientation:[/b] Aesexual [b]Personality:[/b] During his Human years, Aaron was known as a philanthropist, always seeking ways in which he could help others and the environment. He loves Earth and the idea of life itself. While he retains such philosophies as an Android, he can be somewhat colder than he was as a Human, more single minded and more frightening at times. While he obviously has a human mind, he, too, obviously has an Android body. [b]History:[/b] The O’Nidas family, in times past, were incredibly rich Humans who were some of the main supporters and funders of the Eco-Generator project, to which they paid billions in order to keep the planet alive. The profit is said to have returned to them tenfold, but the true figure was never publicly released. Aaron, as the last living descendant and the inheritor of such vast wealth, set about continuing his family's legacy and finding ways in which to cure the world of it’s irradiated predicament. Working day and night in the lab and the engineering bay to find a way to produce clean water and clear the irradiated zones, he contracted radiation poisoning after too much exposure himself. The man feared death immensely, and the rest of his wealth was squandered on building an Android body for himself, into which he devised a way to upload his consciousness into the hardware. After these events, not much is known about A1, he has kept his presence unknown and is thought to wander the world in search of ways to heal it. Aaron’s android body is designed to look and sound completely human, as he wishes to remain inconspicuous and unknown. Androids who go public do not last long in this world. [b]Runes:[/b] || [url=http://rattatattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Artistic-swirls-of-paint-climb-this-girls-arm-in-this-watercolor-fantasy-tattoo-by-French-arist-KLAIM.jpg]Fake Rune[/url] || ||Aaron brandishes this fake rune on his right arm whenever questioned about his immense physical strength|| [b]Items:[/b] [url=http://outdoorhobbies.co.uk/ekmps/shops/gophergames/images/velocity-armageddon-crossbow-scope-package-1872-p.jpg]ARG150 Velocity Crossbow x1[/url] Tempered Alloy Crossbow Bolts x5 Micro Modal Fabric Cloak x1 Curved Retractable Forearm Blade x2 [b]Transportation:[/b] Aaron travels the land on foot. He required no method of transportation other than his two feet. It’s slow, for sure, but reliable and inconspicuous. [b]Skills:[/b] Aaron is a capable fighter, should the need arise for such confrontation. His Android nature means he can hit incredibly hard in a close range fight, but he prefers to defend himself from a distance using his crossbow, which he can use to brutal effect given his enhanced eyesight and targeting capabilities. He also has a expert knowledge and science and engineering; his one true love. He is very mobile and hard to kill, though he will go through all necessary measures to avoid combat, and is very slow to anger. [b]Strengths:[/b] + Increased Mental Faculty by way of electronics and cybernetics instead of biological neural cells. Has heightened reflexes, vision and analytical powers that transcend what would normally be possible through nerve impulses and regular synaptic connections. + Heightened Physical performance. Due to his Android Body, Aaron is capable of performing inhuman displays of his prowess, including being able to exert over 1500lbs of force through each arm and shrug off glancing blows from physical attacks, including small calibre bullets in non-vital areas. He is also capable of moving extremely fast thanks to motorised joints and powered limbs. + Aaron, being an Android, is not affected by poisons, radiation, hunger and thirst. Does not fatigue. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Emotionally stunted. Although his consciousness is technically human, and he can recall what it is like to experience emotions such as love, pain and sadness, the lack of hormones in his system means he cannot actually feel such sentiments, merely empathise. - Power requirements. Aaron’s Android body requires immense amounts of power to continue to function. This level of power is provided by tiny fusion reactor chambers where his heart would be, which must be maintained and potentially replaced annually to prevent catastrophic damage and data loss. The lifetime of such reactors is supplemented through solar absorption through tiny solar cells in the dermal layers, meaning that many of Aaron’s functions are unable to accessed at night and in low level conditions in order to preserve reactor longevity. - Aaron’s body does not heal and regenerate like a biological organism. If he is damaged, his wounds can only be repaired by engineers and mechanics who are trained in Android engineering. Few such individuals exist, even less make their presence known. [b]Likes:[/b] + Science + Engineering + Earth + Building [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Unnecessary Killing - Destruction of Knowledge - Sock Puppets