[b]Name:[/b] Nanzo, Seto [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-One [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] British by birth/documents; Japanese heritage. [b]History:[/b] From an early age Seto had a passion of working with machinery. He was perhaps born in one of the most ideal places for such passion since Birmingham was famous for its abundance of resources through international trades. Following his passion, however, proved to be difficult until later due to the fact that his parents had different ideals about his education. They were determined to give their only son the best of the best education, and so his days were filled with private tutoring of Japanese, his family's mother language, English, Mathematics, Science and more. It was apparent that if he did not stand up for what he really wanted to do, he would never get a chance to; with this in mind he tried his best to pass on to his parents what he really wanted to do. Starting from around the time he started his high school studies his parents finally gave in, leaving him to manage his own studies and time in exchange for joining a certain faction they were under. He knew that the fact that he had obtained a Persona around that time played a role, but that didn't matter to him at the time. All he was focused was the chance given for him to actually pursue his passion. A notable incident occurred during Seto's Coming of Age ceremony. He had made an agreement with his parents which meant he was at his best and polite attitude. He seemed like a capable member, one worth keeping an eye on as he was introduced to the Society, to which his parents beamed with approval. When it was time, the spotlight was on the young Seto; he rose with an air of confidence, formally introducing himself to the community. And at last was the time for him to materialize his Persona for the Society's entertainment and to appeal his position in the Game of Power. Badb Catha emerged as a murder of crows, true to her nature of the 'Battle Crows'. The ballroom instantly became a den of feathers as black as dried blood filled with mad screeches and wing beats as the crows circled the room, crashing every object not bolted to the ground to their feet. Chandeliers fell from their hanging place, and if that wasn't enough some even managed to attack the ceiling and walls. It just so happens that the building wasn't exactly Persona-proof, and by the time the crows fused to its actual form, a single giant crow, it was as if a tornado struck the place. Seto formally apologized for the mess, briefly hinting that it was an inevitable feat to summon his Persona, and complimented on the swift way other Persona users reacted. The incident did raise much debate but there were no deaths and the influence Seto's parents had allowed him to stay as a member. This incident, as well as how he went to immerse himself in dismantling an alarm clock right after the main event was over, gave relief to those who were worried that Seto might be a formidable rival within the Society, for who in their right mind would want such uncontrollable and unsociable Persona user in the ranks? [b]Personality:[/b] Seto has a subtle aloofness when it comes to social interactions. Normally it's not something big enough to warrant action, but it does make him stand out from time to time. An example of this would be his odd sense of fashion or speaking out of turn. This stems from his malleable nature; that is, Seto would first head off in his own way, but when confronted or told to do otherwise he would seemingly obey. Gradually, however, he will make attempts to compromise so that he can have his way while also somewhat upholding whoever or whatever's wishes. [b]Persona:[/b] [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Badb_Catha]Badb Catha[/url] [b]Character Arcana:[/b] Temperance Arcana [b]Faction:[/b] The Society [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*]A pair of airtight goggles with metal and rubber frames that screams antique, usually around Seto's head.[/*] [*]Custom-made belt holster which carries bullet-sized and labelled flasks, each with different chemicals inside; also holds a switch blade and a multi-screwdriver.[/*] [/list] [EDIT: I may or may not have accidentally erased the two questions which were here while editing the cs a bit... sorry.]