[centre][img=http://i61.tinypic.com/v5crvb.png] [img=http://i57.tinypic.com/sfj9rs.png][/centre] [b]Basic Outline:[/b] • You are here to compete, but mostly to survive. To do this you must avoid being killed or lynched. • Your job is to solve puzzles that will aid you in surviving in the game. Solve it wrong and you put yourself in danger. Get it right and you’ll be far safer. • The game is broken into 2 phases: Morning Phase and Night Phase. The morning phase is when the puzzle solution will be revealed in game and the killer(s) will perform their actions. The night phase is when any lynching will happen and the next day’s puzzle will be revealed. [b]The Puzzles:[/b] • At the end of every Evening Phase a puzzle of some sort will be posted, with instruction or rules regarding how you solve it. You will have 24-48 hours to solve the puzzle and submit your answer. Wrong answers will be ignored. If you answer the puzzle correctly, you will be placed in a pool with others who solved the puzzle correctly for a chance to win Immunity. • Immunity is a protective buff in the game. After the time limit to submit answers is up, anyone who solved the puzzle properly will be placed into a randomizer (this makes it less about speed, more about being correct). The randomizer will then select one player to receive Immunity. An Immune player will not be able to be chosen to be lynched that Evening Phase, nor be selected by the killer(s) that Morning Phase. • If you answer a problem correctly but DO NOT win immunity, you may or may not get additional compensation (to a lesser degree). [b]Rules:[/b] • Personal Messaging - PM discussion will be allowed so that people may conspire in sharing answers to win immunity. While PMing, role revealing or screenshotting IS FORBIDDEN. • No Googling – Please do not use Google to try and solve the puzzles. The puzzles have been developed away from Google in an attempt to keep the game fair and equal but it may still be possible to find puzzles similar to mine on the internet. Please play fair and use your own mind to solve these puzzles as much work has gone into them. • Be respectful – Be respectful of other players in both the thread and PM. This isn’t a real murder mystery but a game. While accusing others of being a killer and laying blame is important to the game, I will not tolerate dead players or living players straight up insulting and harassing someone else. • Dead Players – Once you are dead in this game, you are dead. There is no supernatural ability in this version of Rabbit Doubt. You may continue to follow the story along but please do not post in the OOC or IC threads. • Outside players – You may not post at all. Simple as that. • Have fun – This is a game designed for you to have fun. Remember that. [b]IC vs. OOC[/b] • IC posts will ONLY be my story posts as well as your lynch votes. Yes, votes will be public. If you change your vote, do not make a new post, simply go back to the original and say “Edit: (insert vote here).”When the timer is up I will mark down all the votes and begin writing the story post so late edits will not be accepted. • OOC is for any game related chatter about who may be what. Puzzle talk is allowed to be used in the OOC as well. Try to keep anything completely off topic out of the thread. OOC is also where you can ask me questions (or pm me) and I will respond as soon as I can. [b]Roles:[/b] • There is a killer(s) among your group. You do not know how many. No other roles will be made known to you. You can be killed or injured* in this game. You may not reveal your role to anyone in game or out of game until the game has been completed. All roles were assigned using a randomizer for fairness. Your role is in the PM I have sent out to you with a description and when it can be used. • Roles could affect anything from people’s lives or answers to a lynch vote. That’s the only clue you get. • One of these roles is not like the others. [b]Players:[/b] 1)Alphakoka 2) Lady Squee 3) Svenn 4) Nat 5) Vordak 6) KnightShade 7) K-97 8) Jorick 9) Drakel 10) Captain Jordan 11) mbl 12) Seravee Good luck and have fun. Feel free to ask me questions here or send me a PM.