Meditation used to be a chore, something that needed to be done, even though he didn’t particularly enjoy it. But Phil felt the need to clear his mind, and nothing sounded better right now. He tried to focus entirely on his breathing, blocking everything else out. If a thought did come wandering into his mind, he sent it away. But they kept coming. [i] There seems to be lots of people that can punch, shoot, and generally cause mayhem and damage. I don't have much experience in slugging it out. [/i] Zatanna was no Batman; she didn’t prowl the streets at night, looking for ne’er-do-wells to beat up. Their missions were almost always magical in nature, so Phil did not have a lot of experience with physical threats. [i] Maybe I should focus on the things the others can’t do as well, like shields. [/i] Phil tried to rally his thoughts, focusing on his breathing, but his thoughts drifted back once more to the battle a few days ago. [i] The team needed a leader. Who could it be? Patriot might have the ability to get people to follow him, but may not have the cool-headedness to lead. Frostburn might have some potential. Cyber Knight isn’t a team player and obviously lacks the human touch, although she has a good tactical mind. The two batprentices are both too...batty; broody and moody like the Dark Knight. He really [/i]is[i] as intimidating as Zatanna said,[/i] Phil thought. Realizing his mind was drifting once more, Phil tried in vain to clear his head once more. But now all he could hear was someone zooming past his quarters. Judging by the speed, it could only be the Flash. There was no way Phil’s meditation could continue like this. Leaving his quarters, Phil wandered around till he found Ditto and Veronica in the War Room. He had forgotten about these two in his leadership musings. Ditto would make great a leader/leaders. But what if the three duplicates disagreed with each other? The War Room was a giant room, filled with holographic and robotic training programs. Veronica and Ditto hadn’t started yet. “Can I join you guys?” Phil asked, putting on the Helm of Nabu.