The woman had an interesting accent; American, with a hint of southern in her manner. Truth be told, he didn't have a clue where it came from... Even after the global catastrophe that was the emergence of Shadows, America was a big place. He smiled anyway; it was a breath of fresh air after years of only hearing Japanese accents. [b]'Chilli, eh? I'll ask this now and get it out the way; what the bloody hell is chilli?'[/b] She looked a trustworthy sort and he [i]had[/i] spent the last few days trying to die... So he decided to lighten up a bit, even if just for the moment. [b]'Well, I'm not sure what I have that's worth a can of... chilli... But I do have a few bits lying about. Call me Youhei by the way; I'd call you Carrot Top but I doubt you'll approve.'[/b] He paused, halfway through rummaging through his own backpack. [b]'Though I do kind of like that name...'[/b] He was laying out a few of his less essential items when a rather gruff voice came from one side. Youhei looked the man up and down; here was a sterling example of the other end of visual reputability as often found in the slums. The rough tone and adhoc cloak both gave the impression of a common criminal but his voice carried an air of authority, as if he was used to having his orders followed and the gun hidden at his hip showed that he was at least better connected than most. Youhei didn't answer for a moment, sizing the man up. As he did, Makami floated aimlessly above them with no intent to attack, but there just in case. [b]'Well, I can see they taught you well. Look up.'[/b] He slowly stood, turning to face the man with his palms open to signify that he wasn't armed. [b]'If us having Personas means that we have a problem, then you'd better make your first shot count.'[/b] Deep down, a nerdy part of his mind pumped it's fist in triumph; he had always wanted to say that.