Benjamin and Dillon turned to see Lydia storm through the house and toss a bowl of cheese at Josh. Benjamin erupted into a fit of high-pitched laughter at the sight, keeling over as he clutched his stomach. A look of sympathy formed on Dillon's face as she watched Josh fumble both with Lydia and cheese crackers. Servants' muffled their laughter, as others mumbled angry obscenities under their breath at their hard work being callously tossed around. "Fuckin' supes," one servant grumbled, "always ruining work everyone else has done." "Think they can do whatever they want just 'cause they're 'special,'" another murmured. After composing himself from his laughter, Benjamin waved away Josh's apology. "Don't worry about it, mate. If there's anything I've learned, it's that problems are easily fixed when you can throw money at it. This works especially for women," he said with a wink and nudge of Josh's arm. Dillon rolled her eyes, "I don't think Steelia is the type to be appeased by money," she said before shifting her eyes over to Josh. "If you want to fix this, you should just let her cool off and apologize later." Benjamin shook his head, "I bet you've been suffering her lashing for awhile, haven't you? How far has just apologizing gotten you? Listen, mate," he said, putting his arm over Josh's shoulder, "I've heard... 'talk' of why you're Lydia's sidekick. Quite romantic." Dillon quirked an eyebrow at this, "Wait, what?" "Romeo here switched from hero to sidekick to get close to Lydia. How has it worked out for you so far?"