Um, signing up again since I forgot that the signup from the other place deleted Name: Roland Wright Age: 16 most of the time Appearance: Most of the time Roland has messy black hair that tangles up and falls over at least one of if not both of his brown eyes. Roland is usually around 5'4" in height and ridiculously pale due to his powers making it more than a little difficult for him to get a tan. Personality: Roland is a huge fan of anime and video-games of multiple genres ever since he was little. This has an unusual effect on his worldview, as these days he sees himself as the protagonist of his own story, causing him to try and act like a hot-blooded and "cool" hero. Even though he's somewhat delusional Roland really does work hard to protect Covenant Academy and its residents and sees each and every one of the people he knows as characters with an important role to play, striving for a "Best Ending" where people can live in happiness and peace. Brief Backstory: Roland contracted with a Phoenix at a young age thinking that it would help him become a hero! Instead his contract mainly got him into trouble when his attempts to "defend the weak" from bullies got local parents up in arms against him and slapped him with a label as a budding juvenile delinquent. Hoping that being around other people like him would help keep him out of trouble, Roland's parents shipped him off to Covenant Academy, where he's been ever since the start of middle school. Luckily he's been able to properly try and defend others since, earning him a place on the Covenant Academy Security Team Contract(s): A Phoenix Contracted Beings: Name: (Optional) Type: A western-style Phoenix Powers: The primary power Roland gained from contracting with the Phoenix was the ability to magically generate and manipulate flames and their heat. This also comes with a secondary power of being almost totally immune to damage from heat and flame, or at least to the extent of not burning himself via proximity. The actual secondary power granted to Roland by the Phoenix contract is Rejuvination, in that he can heal himself of just about anything up to mortal injuries, but doing so reverts him to an 8-year-old form temporarily. While in this state his flame powers are greatly diminished and he is unable to heal again until he re-ages. Personality: n/a Fusion: Roland's hair becomes a fiery red, yellow and orange color reminiscent of flames, with spike-filled styling to match. His eyes also become reddish colored and he gains the ability to generate flaming wings from his back that let him fly at high speeds. His flames also become much more powerful. However while in this state he loses access to his healing abilities. Summon:[url=] like a big bird of prey. Made of fire.[/url] The Phoenix is about the size of a Philippine or Harpy Eagle and can generally hurtle around like a feather-y fireball with talons attached. It can also heal others or itself of major injuries at which point it becomes something a lot closer to [url]] this [/url] and vanishes soon after.