The Die has been cast. Nilfgaard has once again crossed the Yaruga during a time of great turmoil and disruption in the North. Assassins have murdered various kings, making the kingdoms descend into chaos as successions are decided in the only way that they can be: Through war.Of course, there is no greater uniter than an outside enemy, so when the news of the Nilfgaardian invasion reaches the ears of the survivors of the disaster at Loc Muinne, they instantly rush to their respective kingdoms to assemble their armies and prepare to fight. War in the North is nothing new, but on this scale it has been seen very rarely, and mercenaries, career soldiers and weapon wielders of all kinds flock to the banners of the kings and lords, prepared to fend off this invasion. Witchers of the various schools are picking sides as well. Some are joining the Northern armies for reasons that are obscure as they are themselves. And as anyone could tell you, a Witcher is a great boon indeed. Some are siding with the Nilfgaardian Empire however, under the promise that, should the North be taken, New Witcher schools will be built and protected by law. During this time, as the protection of the lands grows weak, monsters make it their business to itnerfere with the war effort by attacking in greater numbers and boldness. Something is causing them to grow more bold and more daring in attacks, at some points attacking villages en mass. Few know or care why that is, however. And tales of another dragon flying over the ruins of Loc Muinne begin to spread... ______________________________________________________________________ [b]Rules[/b] 1. This Game will be played in a Sandbox style, with various quests and fun stuff to do, and we will be following a loosely built storyline. You do not have to follow the various plots. 2. No God-Modding. Just no. If your character wouldn't know it, you don't know it (even if you do). 3. Your character is mortal. Take stupid risks, you won't come out unharmed. Do it repeatedly, and you will die. Also, if you are wounded, you won't heal instantly (Unless you are a mage or have one around that can perform healings). Even then, it will take a few days for wounds to completely heal, depending on their gravity. If your character dies, you can bring in a new one. 4. As per the rules of this site, romance is allowed, but anything past that will be fading to black. Non-compliance with this will be reported to the Mods. 5. I will be accepting canon characters, but those such as Geralt of Rivia, Triss Merigold, Yennefer and the like (That still have pertinence to the books and games to come) will not be allowed. Phillipa Eilhart or Saskia will be playable, for instance. __________________________________________________________ Now that the boring rules are out of the way, let's get to the good stuffs! Name: Race: Class: Age: Appearance: (Pic and Description of at least two paragraphs. No Anime.) Personality: (At least two paragraphs as well) Weapons:(Nothing too overpowered here, please) Bio: (Three paragraph minimum.) Others:(Magical powers, small quirks, anything that you would like to include.) ________________________________________________________________ Let us boogie-woogie-rock'n'roll! [i]Power, Sex, Power, SexBoth come down to the same thing: Fucking others[/i] - Geralt of Rivia