The creatures born of magic not meant for this mortal realm, took no pity on the simple villagers, no matter how young or old. Those who were not slain, were dragged away bloodied and near death though the numbers were few. Their thoughts seemed to have no conscious rhythm beyond the havoc they wrought upon the innocent. A terrible shriek rose from the mouth of a ghoul that was clung to the wall in the markets, or what soon remained of them. The unearthly creature set it's souless eyes upon a short female dwarf within the chaos, and without thought to anything beyond its kill leaped from the wall, its arms stretched out with intent to sink its claws within the diminutive being. Though the gods were with the young dwarf, even if not for the one who ran in the path before her, fleeing from others of the creatures kind. The man was the local butcher, his neck snapped from the impact, and dead before he went rolling over the dwarfs wares with the creature. Bursting free from a small stables on the edge of town, a strong chestnut colored stallion bucked and ran while a ghoul clung to the poor animals back, though it could not seem to do anything more with the horses thrashing. When the horse stopped it's bucking, It was only to gallop forward at a startling speed with abandon only intent of ridding itself of the creature on its back. The animal paid no mind to those it past, or in the case of an alchemist who had garnered the intention of several dark creatures with her exclamation of escape, who it barreled over. The horse had came within inches of trampling over the poor girl, only to suddenly dig its hooves into the ground, and bucking hard once more to finally throw the black creature from its back, and turning to stomp on the thing's head repeatedly, before snorting as though it were mocking the ghoul for trying. The horse seemed to spare a glace toward Xia for a moment, though it did not move despite most animals instinct being to flee as fast as one could.