[url=http://dreamself.me/d/kpSZ]Appearance[/url] Name: Henry Manteel Age: 18 Gender: Male Birthday: Summer 18 Role: Farmer Likes: Farming, eating, naps, having fun with people Dislikes: Bullying, unnecessarily difficult labor, being alone for extended periods of time Personality: Henry, despite owning his own small farm, is actually a very relaxed individual. He can usually be found wandering aimlessly through town or napping somewhere comfy (on the beach, in a tree, etc.). That said, he does take farming very seriously, and will not rest as long as there is still work that needs to be done. He enjoys the company of others and almost always has a witty one-liner to use. Though he has no prospects yet, Henry is attempting to find a girlfriend; farm life can get lonely. Background: Henry was actually born in a big city somewhere far from Lily Town. His parents were both in big business, and they wanted the same for him. Unfortunately, Henry had absolutely no interest in it, despite numerous attempts by his parents to persuade him. Eventually, they both gave up; Henry simply had no interest. At the age of 12, his family went to visit the countryside for a week as a family vacation. Henry instantly fell in love with the wide open spaces. While exploring one day, he happened across an old farm, where he talked with the farmer and his farmhands until his parents came looking for him. He told them that one day, he wanted to start a farm of his own. His parents laughed, not realizing that he was serious. As soon as Henry was old enough, he left his home and bought property in Peony Plains. After a bit of work, he had a small but functional farm. He now makes his living selling portions of his crops to the townspeople, whom he's taken a real liking to. His free time is often spent relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet that can only be found in the country, and he has no desire to return to his city origins. Skills: Novice farmer, but sells decent crops. Can also build some things (houses, small buildings, etc.) with wood, though he is by no means an expert. You also won't find anyone as good as Henry at remaining calm in any situation (although some may say he's [i]too[/i] calm at times...). Relationships: Everett Micheals: Since he’s the doctor, Henry does know him, and their shared love of produce gives them a good topic of conversation. Henry, if nothing else, thinks he’s a good guy. Alex Garnet: They have met on occasion; though Henry doesn’t drink, he likes to hang out in the bar. He doesn’t know her that well, but he thinks she’s nice. Gaku Yamamoto: Henry is still new to town, so he doesn’t know Gaku very well. However, both of them like to relax, so if they ever ended up slacking in the same area, they’d probably get along. Probably. Eli Stern: Henry has yet to meet her. Izzie McKenzie: Henry has seen her a few times at the Café, but they haven’t spoken much. He likes her outgoing personality and thinks she’s quite pretty.