[quote=TheRogueRose]It seems like the games I get invested in end up starting to be forgotten.I don't know if Skyrim falls into that category yet, but I feel that Dragon Age is getting there and Inquisition hasn't been released yet.Anyone remember Ty the Tasmanian Tiger?[/quote] Fucking yes. Good times until my major insectophobia from the time demanded I stop playing about halfway into the game forever. And I guess it's time to post up about two more. [b]Spore[/b] From the creators of The Sims, Spore is a game that makes any inner artist leap with joy. Imagine, if you will, The Sims on an entirely new scale. Instead of just crafting a person or their house, you'll be crafting [i]everything[/i]. Create an alien species of your choosing, be they carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. Watch them evolve as you choose, befriending or preying upon other creatures that you share a planet with. In time, your creatures will form a tribe, then advance later to a civilization on par with our own today. Eventually, the creature you designed and guided from a single-cell organism all the way to a global civilization will become an interstellar empire, trading with, befriending, or waging war with other empires. Craft your own monsters, buildings, vehicles, and starships, and see the creations of other players across the globe appear in your game. Because of all the variety you can find and the power of the simple tools you can use to create your world, no two playthroughs of Spore will be [i]exactly[/i] the same, effectively turning it into something an artist can play endlessly. [b]Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku (a.k.a. Unthinkable Natural Law, or simply Soku) and by extension, Touhou 10.5: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody[/b] Before everybody jumps at "wtf y u Touhou!?" hear me out. I don't get what the haters of the franchise don't like about it beyond it coming from a country other than the one they're from, and even then, isn't this supposed to be a thread for games that don't get their fair cut anyway? :P Being the second and third installments in the series to completely stray from Touhou's usual "dodge the bullets" style, SWR and 12.3 are 2D fighter games (well, more like an expansion pack in Soku's case) that uses both melee and projectile attacks. With a total of 20 playable characters, about a dozen stages, and a pretty hefty soundtrack that never disappoints, this duo of games only belongs in this thread because we've since had another Touhou fighting game (Hopeless Masquerade) that surpasses them in every possible sense. This isn't to say that SWR/Soku are [i]bad[/i] games. While certainly far from the most ambitious fighting games, they're still pretty solid titles on their own. Graphics-wise, the 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds merge surprisingly well, and the character art (by the one and only Alphes) looks great. And I'm sorry, but [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVQsi0ES6UY]Super Smash Bros. has nothing on a final boss theme like this[/url]. Even in the Touhou fanbase, these games were pretty much never mentioned again after Hopeless Masquerade's release ^_^;