I will be keeping track of my peps here. Dont post please Eli's keys [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/327/8/4/KungFu_dog_by_J_C.jpg]Gao the dog[/url] -He haves no magic, but his fighting skills are keen. ( this is a reference of Gao. Design and picture belongs to J-C of DA) [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/315/7/5/naga_cain_by_arrancarfighter-d4u2orl.png]Hui the Snake[/url] -Hes able to go full snake and full human. His poison magic is very deadly (this is a reference of Hui. Design and picture belongs to ArrancarFighter of DA) [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/190/9/b/bull_boy_by_kat_nicholson-d6cnhj1.jpg]Niu the Ox[/url] -Niu is just like Taraus. Hes one of the strongest spirits and he used his axe to fight ( this is a reference of Niu. Desgin and  picture belongs to Kat Nicholson of DA) [url=http://s1.goodfon.su/wallpaper/previews-middle/251041.jpg]Shu the dragon[/url] -Shu is the strongest of the 12, and the leader. Hes abit power hungry and dangrous. Hes able to turn in a long blue dragon and bless his wizard with a half dragon frome. Hes also able sync with his wizard as well. ( This is a reference of Shu. Its a wallapaper and the cerdit goes to the creater) [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/085/f/9/pocky_bunny_by_fox_feathers-d3cinzu.png]Tu the rabbit[/url] -Hes able to shape shift, also, hes the fastest of the 12 ( This is a reference of Tu. Desgin and picture belongs to Fox Feathers of DA) [url=http://rs1309.pbsrc.com/albums/s622/westernotaku/Anime/WildWestSamuraiGirl.jpg~320x480]Aya the horse[/url] - Aya uses gun's magic. shes also uses a rope and a sword (this is a refence of Aya. Desgin and picture belongs to the creater) [url=http://stat21.privet.ru/lr/0c277b29dd5f47d044ab68447eac9e5d]Jin the pig[/url] -Jin is somewhat like virgo, however he project heat vision ( this is a refence of Jin.  Desgin and Picture belongs to the creater) [url=http://www.brianluk.com/gallery/pictures/Mouse_Girl.jpg]kura the rat[/url] -shes also able to decrease her size. shes stronger when shes small ( this is a refence of Kura. Desgin and picture belongs to the creater) (couldn't find a good picture) Ryu the sheep- a humanoid spirt that wears fur coat,shirtless, and haves the ears of of a sheep.  he uses sleep magic and astral projection [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/245/6/f/year_of_the_rooster_by_quelyntr-d5dbmu1.jpg]Li the Rooster[/url] -Li haves telekinesis. able to move objects with his mind,etc. Hes also a size of a horse (this is a ref. of Li. Desgin and picture belongs to Qulyntr of DA) [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/25142/579124-the_monkey_king.jpg]Jya the monkey[/url] -Jya haves no powers. hes a skilled fighter( picture and design belongs to owner [url=http://www.ourgemcodes.com/forums/attachments/_white_tiger__by_reveriedream-d3e6w23-jpg.53054/]Lauho the Tiger[/url] - he uses light magic. He's suppose to be the zodiac's leader but shu over threw him.( eli hasn't made an contact with him yet)