[i]Patriot's journal I have not much to say other than that in the last two days since our little screw up with taking down Icicle without excessive force, I have been trying to gain trust with the team and also finding out if I can trust them. If we don't have trust then it is almost impossible to work properly as a team and we will keep making bad mistakes. I hope that we gain each others' trust soon, otherwise we might all be taken off the team.[/i] As Thomas finished this entry into his journal, he took a sip of a soda he'd had when they had ordered pizza. He liked getting his thoughts on paper, you never know when it would be a good time to review past events when a present threat called for it. He was glad that his interpretation of being possibly kicked off the team was a mistake, it meant that he was getting a second chance. When he contacted Cadmus while he was at school, they instructed him to not make careless mistakes like that again and Thomas assured him that he would try his best to not make anymore. After he was done with his soda, Thomas felt like he wanted to go check out the War Room and he quickly changed out of his civilian clothes into his Patriot costume. He left his room and decided to fly down the halls of HQ to get there quicker. He couldn't fly too fast in the confined area otherwise he would crash into the walls. He soon entered soaring into the War Room doing a lap around the room up near the ceiling. He then flew down and landed in front of the others and asked, "May I join you guys?"