I'd go with the second one, she seems a bit... mysterious, I suppose. I dunno if that's what youre going for. Just to say, I kinda took a liberty with his background, so if I need to change it just say. [hider=Appearance][img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/d537344bb8331b1ec1c260cfc9a7a6db/http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy259/lucava/anime%20boys/blond%20und%20andere%20haarfarben/doctor.jpg][/hider] Name: Everett Micheals Age: 24 Gender: M Birthday: Fall 13 Role: Doctor Likes: [*]Open minds[/*][*]Animals, especially cats[/*][*]Soup! Any kind. Except tomato -.-[/*][*]Fresh produce. Loves fresh produce because he's a health nut.[/*][*]Puzzles and card games[/*] Dislikes:[*]Jerks, and other overly-prideful people[/*][*]Excess junkfood[/*][*]Extended periods of exercise[/*][*]Things staying the same for too long. He gets restless.[/*] Personality: Everett is a smart man, but not in an arrogant manner. He is a kind soul and tries his best to use his education for the betterment of the community. His face is more often lifted into a smile than not, and many a resident have know him to say that laughter is the best medicine. He's a simple person, but a deep one, and can be quite poetic. He's a bit shy, especially outside of the clinic, and can get flustered easily. It is rare to see him in a bad manner as he has a slow temper and calming disposition. In the clinic, he is all business, and efficient. Even though he loves the serenity of the country, his time in the city gave him a taste of adventure that he still carries. He dislikes stagnation, and takes great pleasure in the many events that happen around the Valley. If something is going on, he will be there. Background: Everett was born and raised in Lily of the Valley. As a child, his parents were minor ranchers that lived on the edge of the White River. He had a happy childhood, although he spent more time with his nose in a book than out with other children. As he grew older, it became clear that he would not be content with the simple life of a rancher, his intelligence urged him on to something more. When he was 16, he graduated school thanks to his vigorous studying, and he left the island, to go to medical school on the mainland. He spent a few years away in the city studying both general and trauma medicine. The course was rigid, and difficult, but he was more than up for the challenge. Despite his love for his studies, throughout his stay he missed home. That was the most difficult part for him. He honestly missed not just his family and friends, but the island itself. It's his home. It's more than his home. As soon as he got his degree, he moved back to the island. Unbeknownst to him, something horrible had happened in his absence. With the lack of technology in the Valley, he had little contact with his parents. They wrote letters, but post-by-boat is a little unreliable. Around three years before he came home, the letters stopped completely. Looking back, Everett blames himself for being to enthralled in school to take notice, but he knows rationally even if he had gone back to check it wouldn't have changed a thing. With the luck of the island fading, there had been many tragic occurrences. Five years ago, in the spring, the river had swelled past its normal banks. Being right on the edge, a fair portion of the Micheals' Ranch small property had gone underwater. His parent's would have been fine, if not for his mother's soft heart. One of their young fowls had been caught in the current and swept away. His mother had went after it, even though there was really nothing she could do, and his father followed. They both drowned in the churning current. The death of his parents devastated Everett, and for a few months he didn't even try to practice medicine. He had wanted to buy his parents land, but it had been already been done. He still holds a feeling of responsibility for it, even though he was miles away. For most of the past two years he's been home, he has worked as the primary physician of the Lily Town Medical Center. He lives in a small apartment above the clinic, partly so he can be reached easily in desperate times, and also because he has no need for a larger abode. Skills: He is great in his field, and many look at him as a very smart man. His mind is in general quick. He's a good cook, and tends a small window-box garden. He is great at calming other people and making anyone around him feel at ease; it makes his job easier and less stressful to those involved. Relationships: Being the only doctor in the Valley, Everett knows almost everyone at least by name. He's a bit lonely, though; since he's come back he hasn't spent much time with anyone. Other: Being so thin, he isn't good at physical labor. He does exercise, and he can be seen swimming or running from time to time, but he gets tired easily.