When the pizza arrived Luke was surprised to learn that it was already paid for, turns out Cyber Knight had handled the transaction herself. That and the fact that someone got the door so they didn't have to see weird slimy melty Plastic Man. As the days progressed from that 'learning experience', Luke started to feel less and less good about his superhero endeavor. Sure he put the cold guy down, but then he watched the same villain got the living s-word beaten out of him. That plus being turned into plastic man goo didn't do much for Luke's confidence. Sure he was getting along with some of his new teammates. Orbit in particular seemed cool, Apollo didn't seem to shabby either. Still Cyber Knight bothered him, much more than just the usual 'almost getting set on fire' stuff. It's the dead feel she lets on, the cold emotionless. Patriot was another one, although he wasn't nearly the robot she was, there was still an unsettling... Thing to him. Something not there, or something fake. Luke couldn't decide what it is. Regardless Luke took his cue, bouncing into the harshly sounding war room as some of the others were there. "This isn't going to end with me melted on Apollo again is it?" He meekly asked aloud as he went from ball form to normal. Adjusting his shades down to cover his eyes.