Friza just scoffs at Edmodo's silly wall. "Screw your wall, I've got a STUPIDLY ORNATE KATANA(TM)!" Friza dashes for one of the counter-terrorists, zigzagging and bunnyhopping all the while. "I hope to GOD this works like it does for Gray Fox...". As the man fired at Friza, he more or less sprayed-and-prayed. Whatever bullets DID come his way, Friza swung his sword blindly at them. Eventually, he does end up hitting a few bullets away! "[b]ZOMG U DUM N00B BUNYHOPPER!!!![/b]" Screamed the counter terrorist in a high-pitched squeal. Friza took the perfect opportunity to cut him in half while the silly little man was reloading his rifle. "HAXEEEER!!!!!" <[b]FRIZA (knifed) ULTRAMEGANUBSTOMPER[/b]> "Holy shit...that actually WORKED! I am one BAD ASS MOFO!" Unfortunately, this victory was short lived. The man's friend had started firing at Friza, one of the rounds nearly hitting him in the shoulder. "WOAH! That ain't very nice!" "Stand still you freak! Agh!" Friza grew increasingly irritated as the person shooting at him started teleporting around at random, sometimes T-Stancing. "Get your wifi fixed, mate!" "[b]LOL WUTEVER NUB[/b]" Thankfully, he was only a few meters away. After teleporting to the little lagger, Friza sliced at him mindlessly, hoping to land a hit. "SIT. STILL!!!" "[b]TROLOLOLO-[/b]" His fail-troll efforts were cut short by a lucky swing by Friza to his foot. Normally that wouldn't kill a man, but the counter terrorist operated on FPS logic. Any blade strike, no matter where it hits, is fatal! The counter terrorist flopped to the ground, his ragdoll spazzing out through the floor. Faint screaming and cursing can be heard off in the distance... <[b]FRIZA (pinpricked) XXPIMPDADDYTROLLXX[/b]> Friza yelled out triumphantly, "WHATCHYA GOT AGAINST ME, UBER!? SUCK IIIIIIT!"