His fingers continue to run through the boy's hair, his close proximity making him sigh on the inside. [i]'I recall this clingyness. Felt different when the child was my own. I guess I will have to adjust'[/i] He watches her closely as she formulates a completely reasonable response, however her rather stiff movements and short clipped sentences speak to the contrary. [i]'It is likely that she may have no direct knowledge of James directly, however I can tell she is no fool.'[/i] He shifts slightly as her eyes travel once more over the newborn. [i]'She knows they are connected somehow. I must know what she knows'[/i] He lets out a sigh as she moves to walk past them again, setting James off like a guard dog defending it's master's home. With a light shushing sound he looks down at the boy, tugging on his hair gently. The woman sees her chance and tries to walk swiftly past them, hugging the wall furthest from the two of them. However Dorian expected such a move and is ready to counter. Slipping carefully from the young one's grasp he turns on the spot, his sword clearing the scabbard with an audible metal scraping sound. She freezes at the sound, his blade stopping less than an inch from her throat barring her path. “Forgive my lack of patience Miss, however I need for you not to leave just yet.” His voice is low, far cooler than usual, and his eyes flash in the moonlight. She swallows hard, looking at the two of them through frightened yet defiant eyes. After a moment she decides it's in her own best interest to cooperate, at least until she can flee safely.