James automatically responds to Dorian, he growling snarls turn into soft submissive whines before he falls completely silent and returns to standing docile by Dorian's side. Unlike Dorian who has aclear distinction between his own Childer and James, James has formed the bond with Dorian as if he had created him. He is not there for long, Dorian pushes him aside to draw his sword and use it to intimidate and control the woman. James stays behind Dorian watching on with interest as he wonders why Dorian has become so obsessed with this vampire. The woman forces herself to be less tense as she looks at Dorian, but she is ready to flee in a heartbeat should the oppertunity to do so arises. "Very well Sir, I don't know how I could possibly help you in these matters,I am just passing through on my travels." Not a lie, she had not come here because of the rumours, rather she just happened to stumble upon this situation as she journeyed towards he destination.