It was over a decade ago that the UN and Costa Rican government blockaded Las Cinco Muertes. Noone can sail near, fly over, or otherwise get within two miles of the island chain that now is home to an ecosystem of dinosaurs. Of course there was no way that would last forever. Dinosaurs, a potential fortune, that is only out of reach due to a few under-crewed battleships. It was only a matter of time before some rich businessman would try and get his hands on the same Pandora's Box InGen opened all those years ago. Enter Benjamin Statler, the Founder, and CEO of Statler Biotechnology. Armed with billions of dollars, and a desire to make more, he has set his eyes on Isla Sorna, her sister islands, and the wealth of genetic marvels they contain. Statler has a plan to get to the island, all he needs is a team to do the work. Enter you. You will be playing as a member of the team hired by Statler to get on the island, retrieve "samples", document, and research the islands, you will fill one of the following eight archetypes: [Hider=Paleontologist] A dinosaur expert, if a group is gonna survive on an island chain full of dinosaurs for an extended period of time your knowledge will become invaluable. The opportunity to see living fossils was too much for you to pass on.[/hider] [Hider=Survival/Wildlife Expert] You may not have the same specific expertise with dinosaurs, but you know animals and wilderness like the back of your hand. Your ideal home would be a crashed 747 in the middle of the Amazon.[/hider] [Hider=Security]A mercenary to put it simply, you were hired for one reason, you're good at protecting people, and killing others. You have the training to get people out of just about any situation, and the firepower to kill anything that gets in your way.[/hider] [Hider=Hunter]Much like the security you were hired because you are good at killing things, except in your case it isn't armed insurgents or assassins, but lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! You don't rely on your weapons as much as you do your own abilities, you may not know what plants are edible like the survival expert, or the fire rate of an M249 like the security, but you do know when you're the hunter, and when you're being hunted.[/hider] [Hider=Tech Expert]If there is one place you don't belong it is on a bunch of islands full of dinosaurs, but the money was too good, and InGen left alot of data on those computers, regardless of how ancient they are. If any of it is still somehow salvageable you're the person that can get it.[/hider] [Hider=Thief]There are gonna be times that brute force just won't cut it against a bunch of dinosaurs. That is why you're here, it might not be possible to sneak past the senses of a velociraptor, but if there is anyone that can do it. It's you.[/hider] [Hider=Photographer]Someone needs to document this expedition, it may be illegal, and dangerous, but it is also the first time people have seen dinosaurs in nature in years. This may be the only chance anyone gets this century, plus if the group needs some recon, they have you.[/hider] [hider=Doc]While it isn't the plan, there is a definite chance that someone will get hurt during this expedition. That is why you are here, You know how to patch people up like noone else.[/hider] CS: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Role: (Hunter, Thief, Tech Expert, etcetera.) Inventory: (What is your character bringing with them? Everyone gets a satellite phone and first aid kit.) History: (A brief history of your character) Other: (Anything else noteworthy about your character?)