The young man in front of her seemed to be very cold, despite his age albeit she shouldn’t be one to speak. The atmosphere around him shifted and turned into something dark and antisocial and she started to become shifty about it. ‘So… dark and mysterious,’ she thought. ‘Mixed with a little bit of stubbornness.’ She never got the chance to meet a lot of people, but from the people that she did meet, she hated people like the young man in front of her, almost to the point where she despised them for their attitude to the people around them and their inability to receive a word of thanks from people who are grateful for that they’ve done. After listening to what he had to say, she looked down to his hands and noted that they were as big as he was implying them to be, at least, not to her. “Sorry for giving you credit, even if you did such a small job.” The urge to sock him right across the face grew and continued to do so, but she had managed to contain herself. She then looked up towards the young man in front of him and gave him a long, cold glare. Ain bared his fangs towards the young man who stood in front of her and stood on his front two legs, standing on level with her jaw line. “You know, maybe if you didn’t act like such a brute, things wouldn’t be so cold for you,” she muttered, just barely loud enough for him, managing to hold a very serious tone whilst doing so. Seeing people like him and listening to how ungrateful they were made her blood boil to a whole new degree, to the point where a small bright spark came off the tip of her right index finger, as her right hand was now by her side. She wasn’t in the right mindset to care about what was exposed and what wasn’t anymore. When the spark had come off, Ain bit onto her jaw line hard causing her to wince at the pain. Aurain took a moment to regain her posture and walked off before he did, not paying attention to what he had last said, something about leaving him and dinner. Ain had restrained himself from puncturing her pale skin to cause bleeding but managed to leave a small mark with the skin cut. With the change in her attitude, a small cold breeze had circled around her body in an attempt to cool her off due to the “talk” with the young man. She lifted her left hand to her neck and stroked his fur whilst angrily muttering to herself. “How could someone like him be such a brute? His attitude is no different than a troll’s, simple minded, cold and.. and rude! I’d find the troll to be of more comfort than that thing!” Once finishing her small rant, she had re-entered the room to which she was carried and attended to by the elf. On the way, Aurain had passed by the elf and didn’t give her any notice, even though she could feel the pure elf’s presence throughout her short-lived conversation with the human. The room was empty, so she had left and started to try and find the dwarf and elf that had stood by her side. As much as had she hated being around people sometimes, she found herself wandering the guild with a tiny smile playing on her lips, but managing to hide it from any people passing by. Her walk was slow, so that she could assess and take a good sight of what she passed by and had come up with an idea, an idea to stay and become a part of the guild. After all, she would be able to meet interesting people, and mages who could possibly help her with her own powers. Subconsciously, she rolled her wrist and twisted her fingers, causing a small sphere of contained pressured air to form at the tip of her fingers, where it had circled around her hand as though it had a mind of its own. And to a degree, it did, leaving its spherical shape to form a small cloud above her hand and then back to the sphere as the three of them walked through the long halls.