Alex chuckled at Luke's comment, entering the War room just after the elastic hero. He was wrapped comfortably in a towel, and was drying his hair with another one, having just come from the shower. "Hopefully we'll be able to work as a more cohesive unit next time." He said. As he finished drying his hair, he slung the second towel diagonally around his chest and connected it with the other, making the whole ensemble resemble a toga, which was a common enough garb back on Themyscira. He now truly resembled someone of his heritage, a young God in the company of heroes. "Oh, and don't worry. I've been covered in worse." He said to Plastic Man, giving him a playful nudge with his elbow. Apollo's mood had improved in the time since the 'fight' with Icicle. Being reprimanded by The League had initially bothered him, but after the frustration, he began to take the lesson to heart. He hadn't spoken with Cyber Knight as he had intended to, but now, after some time had passed, it seemed it would be an unnecessary complication. He had decided that as long as she didn't scorch any of the team again, he would let her be.