Name: Kabir Singh Age: 41 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] Role: Hunter Inventory: Winchester Model 70 30 rounds .458 Winchester Magnum Smith and Wesson Model 28 18 rounds .357 Magnum kukri knife kirpan sharpening stone compass waterproof matches bedroll Maglite flashlight satellite phone first aid kit kara bracelet 1-liter water canteen mosquito net tent (one person) six MREs grease pencil map of Isla Sorna Casio wristwatch toothbrush hunting khakis (two sets) boots turban gun cleaning kit knapsack History: Kabir Singh grew up in rural India, in an isolated nothing town that was remarkable only as a jumping off point for foreign hunters. Most of the men in the village made their living as guides or porters for Americans or Britons looking to nab a sloth bear or leopard to hang over the fireplace. Kabir was under no illusions, however, the local men did most of the work. The tracking, the cornering, everything except actually pulling the trigger. While he followed the men of the village into the profession, he also used his own free time to hunt various game, gaining a great deal of experience and recognition. However, in recent years, big-game hunting has fallen out of favor as the wealthy in America and Europe begin to pursue more environmentally friendly pastimes. Kabir is married and has three children to put through school, and the big expeditions are becoming few and far between in his village. His finances have started to suffer, but Kabir is unwilling to look for other work- hunting is the only thing he knows. His luck changed recently, however, with the receipt of a letter from an old client, a Staler executive who had taken a hunting junket some years earlier and recommended Kabir for the job. The pay was good, and even though it was unfamiliar territory, the man must provide for his family.