|Actor's Name: James LaRoche |Actor Gender: Male |Character's Name: Security Chief "Odie' McCracken |Character Gender: Male |Appearance: [img]http://www.kievrus.com.ua/images/actors_photos/z/51360/large/zak-knutson-51360-photo-large-2.jpg[/img] Character Race: Human |Character Job: Security Chief |Character Trope: Stout Stength, Badass Normal, Lawful Good, Interspecies Romance, |Actor Personality: James is best described, in the words of People, as a "Pretty cool dude." Still fairly humble, he hasn't let his brief rise to fame and subsiquent fall get the best of him. He manages a friendly personality with most people he meets, though his fanboys/girls can steadily wear at his patience at conventions. |Actor Bio: There isn't too much to be said about this fellow. Born and raised in the heart of Lousiana, James spent most of his life in a metioric rise to mediocrity. During his brief stint as a stuntman, he was offered a role on Battletrek SG-5 as the young security chief. Since the show's cancelation he's been relegated to low B level stardom, appearing in typical 'Tough Guy' extra roles and in a few straight-to-DVD movies (The highlight of which being a staring role in a low-budget Punisher sequel.) Nowdays he mostly attends conventions and gets by on stuntman jobs, though he still holds out hope for another big role.