3. As Ostel watched her devour the small meal, the human could not help but feel a sickness in his gut. A sickness that developed into a tight knot that threatened to blow over into either a rage or sadness from the wretched display. But Ostel now knew that he had made the right decision in confronting his father about this, for Fredrick's actions against this elf had crossed a line. Unable to merely sit and watch Ostel stood back up to his feet, which prompted the elf to stiffen and gaze at him with her violet eyes. It was almost like she had become a scared animal he hunted, watching his every move, ever doubting his motive. Not that he blamed her really, any sane being would after what she had endured. Not knowing how to begin, he knelt down on one knee to match her at eye level. She backed away of course, retreating into the safety of her dark corner. Ostel took a deep breath, "Do you have a name?" he asked hoping to begin on a comfortable subject. The girl looked up at Ostel, watching to ensure he did not come any closer to her before shaking her head no. She didn't understand what he was doing or what he was getting at by asking her if she had a name. She was nothing but a slave, a slave was never privy to a name, only cruel beatings and an outlet for sexual aggression from the Sons of the household. When she noticed he wasn't going to make a move to get closer, she slowly went back to the direction of the food and reached for the flask, trying to remain as far away from him as she could, which resulted in her inability to get what she wanted. He nodded, expecting her fear. He picked up the flask, making her figure stop, she retracted her arm, but she didn't fall back to the shadows. She merely looked up to him, and he handed out the flask in his bare hand, "I understand that you are afraid, but you have to overcome that if you want to survive." he said making a shaking motion with his hand so she could hear the sloshing of the water. When she did not move at first, he then asked, "Will you die in fear, or dare to live again?" She stared at him for a moment before surprising him, "How... How can I live.... when I don't know who I am?" she asked, her voice hoarse from all the screaming she had done before and from dehydration. To her, a person without a name was not alive, they were just there to be seen and used. A nameless face that had not soul, no real purpose and no power over what was to happen to them. She also noticed at the time of her thoughts that Ostel seemed confused, so she took advantage of that moment and moved with surprising speed to snatch the Flask from his hand before upending it into her mouth. He jumped a bit at her speed, but could only chuckled as the elf drank like it would be her last. With a school boy smirk he then asked, "If you do not know your name, perhaps I can give you one." the elf stopped drinking and gave him a queer look, but he shook his head, "I know you more than likely have a name, but if you do not remember it then this will serve just for the time being." She said nothing, but merely kept staring at him as she drank the water from the flask. With no answer he shrugged and asked. "How about Summer?" She scrunched up her face for a minute as she thought about what he asked before letting her features relax as she nodded her head in agreement. She had already spoken to this man once, she had no desire to do so again at the moment. In fact, she really didn't want to talk to anyone at all... ever... if she could help it. He nodded back and stood himself up, "You do not have to say anything then, that suits me fine. But you need to be aware of a few things Summer." She sat down and covered her bust with her knees and hands, her eyes looking somewhat at him and a bit here and there. Ostel went ahead and explained, crossing his arms as he began, "By this time tomorrow you were to be executed for ... 'resisting' my brother Fredrick. I spared you from such a fate, for there is little love between me and him. There is little time to explain in full detail, but for now, if you want to live to see the outside world again, you need act like as my slave for the time being." He said as if simply addressing a child. He then relaxed his arms and gave a sympathetic look to the elf, "If you can do that until we get out of the Grimward estate.... well all I am saying is that people tend to get lost in the northern forests all the time. Dangerous place, full of bandits, mostly elven rogues." He said hoping she would catch his meaning.