4. Summer stared at Ostel for some time before letting out what he assumed was a sigh before she stood up, not bothering to cover herself, Slaves weren't allowed clothes so it wasn't like she had any modesty as it was. When Ostel made no move to go anywhere, she raised a delicate eyebrow in confusion. Perhaps she was had understood him wrong, maybe he wasn't letting her out of this cell and removing her from the care of the lecherous guards just yet. All that talk of being different from his family and she was already beginning to doubt him, but then again, no one owed her anything as she was a slave, and no better than the livestock they kept. Shrugging his shoulders, [b]"Well I suppose I will have to just keep on talking to myself and Snow I guess. Speaking of which..."[/b] he turned and gave a sharp whistle, which was followed by the pattering of soft feet upon the dungeon floor. Around the corner came the white wolf companion of Ostel, his ghostly tail whipping back and forth happily at the site of him. His tail wagging stopped though as it glanced it's fierce red eyes at Summer, he did not growl though, but the wolf kept his gaze fixed upon her. Noting Snow's caution he smiled and patted his thick mane, [b]"Summer's a friend Snow, we need to help her alright?"[/b] Then Snow's tail went waggling again as he confidently left Ostel's patting and made his way slowly to Summer. Unexpectedly, Summer's face broke out in a smile as she immediately went to Snow and began to pet the Wolf. It was obvious that she was not afraid of the animal in the least and she immediately felt comforted by its closeness. She never really understood why, but she always felt at home when she was with animals, she knew they would never hurt her and she could even talk to them and understand what they said to her, though she never told anyone. Summer felt like it was a secret she had to hide from others, afraid that they would try to use her gift to their advantage, so she ensured that no one was paying her any mind when she talked to the animals she had been put in charge of. Taking a sigh of relief Ostel then asked bluntly, [b]"You cannot go anywhere in your condition though,"[/b] he said unclasping his fur cloak and setting it aside. Summer however immediately looked up and became wide eyed by the motion, her fear causing her to hold onto Snow tightly. Seeing this Ostel stopped and gave a confused look, [b]"Your injuries need to be tended ... ohh I see,"[/b] He said taking off his gloves, [b]"I'm a healer of sorts, but I need to be able to put my hands upon the wounds. Do you think you can be brave enough to let me? "[/b] He asked warily as he showed his bare hands to her.. Summer took what he said into consideration before releasing her hold on Snow and holding up a finger to Ostel, asking him to wait. Confused, Ostel watched as Summer began to point out the more awkward areas that she was hurt, silently letting him know that she would let him do what he must, but that she wasn't going to lie and say she was comfortable with it. One such area was her inner right thigh where it was obvious his brother had taken a knife and sliced down to her inner knee. She then proceeded to motion to her back before she turned around and moved her blood stained hair out of the way to show him the multiple whip marks on her thin back. It was obvious then they had spared her no comfort when she had been punished, blood was everywhere on her frail body and it was a wonder that she was even still living. Once she was done pointing out a few more areas, including the deepest one that was on her face, she let her arms drop and waited for Ostel to approach her.