[quote=Ace of Jacks] the only well-known, long fanfic I've read is Fallout Equestria, and I forgot to finish it completely >w< [/quote] [i]Friendship, friendship never changes. Since the dawn of pony kind, when our ancestors first discovered the power of gem and magic, friendship has been spread in the name of everything: from Celestia to justice to simple, spontaneous song. In the year 2011, after a year of armed pony, the destructive nature of crossover could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of glorious fan-fiction and Primary Waifu. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the storm. Instead, the crossover was simply the prologue to another insane chapter of crossover. For Kkat had succeeded in destroying Equestria - but fandom, fandom never changes. A quiet darkness fell across the fandom, lasting many months. Many were in awe of the devastation. Some had even scaled the rubble, staking their claim in the new world. When the great darkness passed, these refuges came clear. The subfics. Project Horizons. Heroes. Pink Eyes.[/i]