Groaning, the silvery-white-haired girl slouched on her mount. "This is boring, and it's hot, and I think my butt's gluing itself to the my snake's back," she complained loudly. She was an elven girl, which was obvious due to her pointy ears and somewhat pale skin despite the fact they're living in a desert. Granted, the desert was once a forest, which got buried under a ton of sand, and the trees were tall enough to still tower over everything despite the many miles of sand underfoot, but it was still a desert. And it was blazing hot, even though the sun was a glowy ice crystal in the sky... This world is odd indeed. And that's not even taking into account the fact that elves apparently ride on giant snakes here. Frowning, she started playing with her hair, tied back into a mid-back-length ponytail, her violet eyes darting about. As for what she was wearing, well it was essentially a green tunic that extended far enough past her hips to count as a mini-dress, a pair of tan pants, light boots designed to make it easier to walk around in the desert, and of course there's the black hair-tie in a visible knot. Hanging from her back was a backpack, a bow and quiver full of arrows slung over her shoulder. This girl was Catiel of the elves.