[b]ERU Barracks, Museum Island[/b] [b]Day 01, 1230[/b] Jon was cleaning his handgun. This was normally a sign that he was bored stiff, and that someone in the ready room was hogging the PS4 so he couldn’t vent his boredom into that instead. But then, being a member of a heavily armed SWAT team for a museum wasn’t exactly going to be the most exciting gig in the world, was it? After all, what museums even need such heavily armed security? He also couldn’t help feeling underwhelmed that he was the only one on the team who wasn’t ex-special forces or whatever. He sighed, and pushed the slide back over the barrel, slipped the magazine into the bottom and stuffed it back into the holster on his thigh. Then again, he didn’t really have time to be bored. He was due manning the gate line at 1300 after all, so he grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and his vest from the end of his bunk, and headed off to the armoury to check out his P90. ---- [b]Museum Main Entrance[/b] [b]Day 01, 1315[/b] If anything, working the gate line was more boring than hanging around in the barracks, if only because there was stuff to do there when you were sitting around waiting for the balloon to go up. Out on the gate line, watching the seemingly endless succession of people stream into and out of the museum, things got a little bit soul crushing, to the point where Jon was practically praying that someone would bump one of the cases or trip the security arch just so he’d have something to do other than stand there looking trying to look professional rather than like he was about to fall asleep.