The New Yorker - Almost every member of the Guard is taught to use the [i]saa[/i]. It is a force present in every human. By itself, it is of no use. It merely augments your talents. So if you are naturally a good swordsman, [i]saa[/i] will make you an exemplary, almost mythical one. It is not something that you can merely use like a magic power and hurl at enemies. Therefore, there aren't any 'mages'. There are people who are better at using it, and they naturally advance faster than others, earning rank in the Guard. Most of the Captains and Commanders and Guides are excellent [i]saa[/i] users. But, that said, strength alone does not determine an individual's progress in the Guard. So, in short, you can be a knight and still be a [i]saa[/i] user.