Ryuunosuke was nodding at Hana, but there was an internal debate brewing within himself. On one side, he just could not believe that such a woman would waltz into his court and offer her expertise so easily. The fact that she comes from the Capital did not comfort him at all either. However, the knowledge and skills she appeared to have would be indispensable to the clan. Someone who can actively manipulate numbers to make sound forecasts and prediction was worth more than a mountain of gold because this person could essentially manipulate the entire market. Thus, Ryuu found himself at an impasse. Would be believe that this young woman was here in goodwill and actually wanted to help him, or would he believe that she was just a trap set by the branch family for them to consolidate their power even more? Ryuu thought in silence for several seconds until he finally said “Although I am impressed with what I have seen, I cannot grant you immediate access to the family’s funds and records. I would first like to see you at work and see if you fit in our work culture and environment. I am sure that you realize that I have to be reasonable and cannot outright give you access to everything. Still, I will gladly provide housing so you may stay if you desire, and work as a retainer of the Mitsumine main family for now to show us your abilities. I know that this is quite a few steps down in terms of your current position under Tenzen-san, but once again. I hope you understand that I must be rational in my decision to accept your generous offer. I must express the fact that I do hope you do take the offer.”