Hi this would be my first Advanced but your story looks very interesting, I hope you accept my CS (Simply remove the periods from the QQCoding) [Center][b]Noah Lucas [/b][/center] [Center][/center] [Center].:. Male || 21 || 5'10 || 190 .:.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Noah Lucas. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [.b]Race:[/b]Cyborg [b]Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Personality:[/b] Calculating, he's rather cautious of talking in social situations, he's known for his constant blank expressions. When he opens up to someone, in an emotional state or worse a night at the bar, he's a very caring person. Highly intellectual, he's usually quick with a cold comment, but more often than not he never intends to hurt anyone's feelings. He's rather peaceful and content most of the time, though he has an extremely short fuse。 [b]Description/b] Hes Caucasian with fair blond hair and has blue eyes with a shade of grey in the center. Scars run from the corner of his mouth to the top of his cheek. He rarely smiles though when he does it seems quite the sight for its genuineness. [b]History:[/b] As a boy he grew up in the northern region of Oden with his father a distinguished scientist, renowned for his work in the cybernetics field. Around his 14th birthday he moved south to his mothers apartment in one of the bigger settlements of Oden. There he began fooling around with some street gang, eventually things got bad, and he ended up getting his hands brutally chopped off and his mouth was cut open from ear to ear, leaving him with a permanent eerie smile. Within days he was back with his father in the vast nothingness of the northern territory, he began work immediately on his sons hands and eventually rebuilt him a new set of hands. Noah's father found a rather powerful Inscriptionist and spent his fortune on making sure his son wouldn't be overpowered like that again. The Inscriptionist gave Noah a telekinetic rune on the back of his skull leading to his cybernetic fingertips he was around 17 when he was givin this rune and he is still sometimes tormented by nightmares of that night in that creatures home. [b]Runes:[/b] Base of skull sprawling to his fingertips||The rune is around 4 inches across in a swirling pattern with ten ends each leading his fingertips, leaving five lines spiraling to around his arms.|| Telekinesis within a ten foot radius. [b]Items:[/b] Noah carries a quarter-staff everywhere he goes and tends to where tailored shirts and vest under his tan leather trenchcoat. A few gadgets he's constructed in a small leather satchel. [b]Transportation:[/b] His father being wealthy had bought him a small hover bike for his 18th birthday though its extremely unreliable, and he almost never uses it and only in emergency situations. [b]Skills:[/b] Expert in most technologies, skilled in close quarters combat, telekinesis [b]Strengths:[/b] hands are cybernetic allowing him to plug himself into most systems, and giving him a little extra strength in the flick of his wrist making his staff very powerful. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Any talk of his father tends to send him over the handle, and obviously he could do anything at all without his hands. [b]Likes:[/b] Justice, technology, money, peace [b]Dislikes:[/b] Hostility, questions, and prejudice