Shadows danced off the walls as Elizabeth made her way along the sidewalk. The sun had long since set, and darkness had crept over the town. However, the streets were far from empty –in fact they were littered with groups looking for a party or some other form of amusement. The stars of the sky were just barely visible beyond the lights of the city, the moon only a fragment of the light which led her way. Like a few others who wandered the streets, she was on her way home. She had spent the last few hours of her day studying at the city library. She had things to worry about, like paying rent and passing her classes. In some ways, she found her world dull. It was led by the meaningless cares of just trying to fit in. Too much time was spent meeting expectations. But this was just a part of being human – and a part of her cherished the simplicity. Being human was simple, and she no longer had to spend her time constantly on edge preparing for an attack. Spending time at the gym was called a hobby, not mandatory for survival. And this was life, the hand that fate had dealt her. She was alive – but that meant that she was human, even if she didn’t agree with it. A chill down her spine stopped her in her tracks. She turned on her heels, coming face to face with a vampire. White coated her vision as her head slammed into the concrete of a nearby wall. Desperately she shook her head as she tried to regain her vision and orient herself with the world. She should have seen it coming – she had already been attacked once in her lifetime as a human. But still, it took guts to target a human in a crowd – picking them up and dragging them into the alleyway. She had to give the vampire points though, smashing her head into a wall was sure a good way to try and incapacitate her so she couldn’t go running away. A rush of energy passed through her, her instincts to survive. She heard a terrible crash, and following sounds of cardboard boxes falling over. She shook her head as she felt herself go weak. Lifting her eyes, she watched as the vampire pushed his way up. He let out a hearty laugh as he rested his hand upon his shoulder and rolled his neck. “Feisty darling, aren’t you,” he questioned. In seconds, the vampire had her pinned against the wall, this hand around her throat. Her blood ran cold as she forgot to breath. For upon his neck was a tattoo identical to the birthmark upon her arm. [i]Chronos.[/i]