"Training," she sighed. Absent-mindedly, she scratched the side of her snake's head, a just as huge serpent with the coloration of a Ribbon Snake, black with streaks of green running down its length. It flicked its tongue in appreciation, slithering along behind the older elf's snake. "It's just that it gets really boring out here, Ateznus." Slouching slightly, she stared out at the desert-forest. "I mean... Hardly anything interesting actually happens out here." She was three years younger then Ateznus, and it definitely showed with how she was acting. She really hates these training sessions, especially with him. Whenever they're out here, he always runs her ragged. And by the time they get back, she just wants to go to bed and flop on top of the covers and pass out. As it is, she's still tired from yesterday since she didn't get much sleep last night.