Welcome one and all to my newest roleplay [B]The Walking Dead: Area 51[/B] [b][u]GM's Note to Roleplayers[/u][/b] So I know that some of you are rolling your eye's right now with a title like that, thinking this is gonna be some kind of Alien VS Zombie cross breed roleplay. But your wrong in that respect, being one who has been into conspiracy theory my whole life practically, I am one of the few who believe that Area 51 was not just some base with Aliens in it but a secure military installation where weapons and vehicles and so forth were constructed, a place where spys could not infiltrate. Basically it was an underground facility and an area where secret tests could be done out of sight of prying eyes. Now in the show of course this place is never mentioned and through all the Walking Dead roleplays I have encountered and been in, not once have I seen this place mentioned which to me is an opportunity to make a Walking Dead roleplay that is unique and new in a lot of ways. So to put your minds at ease this is not going to be an alien/zombie roleplay nor will this be all about killing Walkers, this is about a group of people who will come together and with one goal that they all share a place that is safe from the walkers. With that said read on to the opening notes. [b][u]Opening Notes[/u][/b] This roleplay takes place eight years after the start of the infection, the world has become a wasteland of dead and marauders. Supplies are damn near gone and people are becoming desperate. This particular roleplay will start in or around a small town in California name Oasis, its name derived from the fact that it is deep in the desert. The town is about fifty miles south east of Los Angeles. The Walkers are not too common around this area given the sparse number of people within it, however this is a well know fact so marauders are very common in this area. We will all start out separated and just trying to survive and through one way or another our sights become set on Oasis either because there is not many walkers or we are trying to escape the ruthless marauders. It is important to note that when we start no one has any intention of going to Area 51 or even has the thought for obvious reason being its crazy. My own character will bring that twist into play once were all together. Beyond this the rest will be played out in the roleplay. [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] 1. All guild rules apply no exceptions. 2. No god modding, don't assume control of anyone's character unless you have prior consent. 3. No god characters I mean this, no one is invincible and no one can take down 50 walkers solo. 4. No mary or gary sues be original and fresh. 5. We will have weapons however you do not have unlimited ammo given its been 8 years so be careful with how much you use. 6. There will only be 3 soldier or law enforcement positions including my own, first come first serve. 7. Write at least a paragraph or more each post no one liners are accepted. 8. Do not fight OOC in the thread if you truly want to take it to PM ill I will solve it my own way. 9. Give to the RP don't take a back seat, contribute something if your unsure on something just run it by me im always open to plot twists. 10. Have fun thats my most important rule. [b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] Name: Age: (15+) Gender: Appearance: (Picture + General description or Detailed description. No anime) Personality: Occupation before infection: (Military or Law enforcement goes here) Rank: (Only military or law enforcement need to add on here) Skills: (3 total skills can go here two major skills and one minor skill. Be creative these will help you in the RP) Items: (Anything you carrying on you be realistic if you carry heavy items this will slow you down in the RP) Weapons: (Don't go overboard on this section I will allow you to choose your own weapons seeming its been 8 years) Biography: (Tell us about you in general, does not have to be long you can reveal that in the RP if you wish) Other: (Anything else that is not mentioned) [b][u]Approved Character List[/u][/b]