Many of the young heroes seemed to gather in the War Room. Ditto stood in awe at the size of the round room. Almost like a giant dome with a control room in the center of the ceiling roughly sixty feet above the floor. Shock came in after the Carggite, who didn't bother finding his mask since they were in a controlled environment. Fate and the red, white, and blue clad hero arrived within seconds of each other. It got awkward for a few moments when nobody really discussed anything as their surreoundings were currently generic. Ditto2 bounced out of the original to go and set the controls before anyone else had made it to the training area. Since it was already complete and two levels below the rest of the underground base noise wasn't a problem. But the Flash and Engineer couldn't hear anything from below the rest of the HQ while being occupied building and programming upgraded tech, power tools making noise all around as the task of making a vehichle with her protege also on Engineer's to-do list. One thing that Kilian hadn't taken into account was that he had no idea how to operate human control panels. He couldn't read numbers or letters completly only having been on Earth about a month, however he thought he understood what some symbols meant. The skill level setting ranged from 1-10 but looked like a climbing volume bar. "I want to be able to hear the battle, so I'll turn this one up here..." Ditto2 said to himself in a mubbled tone while working the controls and trying to understand what 'Number of opponents' meant on the next menu, "This one is the one I'll set low..." Ditto2 hustled down from the control booth in the ceiling and approached the three heroes and his original self. The new Plastic Man came in joking with Apollo who'd used a large towel like a make-shift toga just before the door closed and locked. The control room faded and it was probably a dumb move not to leave somebody up there. The surroundings shifted a few different ways, like speed warped photographs of different scenes. It settled on a battle damaged city block. Ditto1 looked at his duplicate and finally asked the obvious questions... "What did you set it on, how many opponents are we going up against?!?" he asked almost if shaken by the thought of biting off more than they could chew. "Just one I think." Ditto2 said before being reabsorbed. [i][b]"I would immediately regret not learning the English language in writing."[/b][/i] Ditto thought taking a fighting stance... "We can surely handle one guy right?" the whole Ditto asked to nobody in particular as cars began getting knocked away in the distance as their single adversary walked forward menacingly. [img=] Doomsday. ~KL~